Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Han Solo/Star Wars; Young Avengers; Batman: Hush; Kodansha Linewide Manga Sale

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Marvel has discounts on Han Solo/Star Wars. DC slashes prices on “essential” titles like New FrontierWatchmen and a whole bunch of Batman. Kodansha has a linewide sale and… is that Dune?

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

No Oils Are Included With This Sale

The DC Essentials Sale runs through Monday, 3/3.

There’s an inherent self-back-pat to such lists, but there’s a lot of quality in this sale and plenty of $1.99/$2.99 price points, too.

A few things we found particularly interesting:

  • Batman (’11-’16) – yes, this would be the Scott Snyder/Greg Capullo run for $1.99/volume
  • Batman (’16 – present)  – The Tom King run through the Josh Williamson run, mostly $1.99/volume
  • Batman: The Complete Hush – Jeph Loeb / Jim Lee; If you need a refresher before the sequel…
  • Batman: The Dark Knight Returns – Frank Miller; Miller’s post-modern, dystopian take on an aging Batman ushered in the grim ‘n’ gritty era
  • Batman: Year One – Frank Miller / David Mazzucchelli; Miller’s take on Bruce Wayne’s transition to the cowl
  • Detective Comics (’16 – present) – Call us crazy, but we preferred James Tynion IV’s earlier Detective run to his Batman run, especially when it’s $1.99/volume
  • DC: The New Frontier – Darwyn Cooke’s love letter to the dawn of the Silver Age as the paths of heroes converge to form the Justice League; 500 pages for $2.99 is a good deal, too
  • Final Crisis – Grant Morrison / J.G. Jones / Doug Mahnke / Carlos Pacheco; Includes the necessary tie-ins (to think that Superman Beyond was undersold as part of the main story when it came out…)
  • Kingdom Come – Mark Waid / Alex Ross; A commentary on the grim ‘n’ gritty era (right in the middle of it) as a new generation of heroes lose their way
  • Saga of the Swamp Thing – Alan Moore / Stephen Bissette / John Totleben / Stan Woch; Alan Moore announces his US presence with a classic horror run you could argue is the beginnings of Vertigo
  • Watchmen – Alan Moore / Dave Gibbon; The classic Hugo winner – $2.99
  • Wonder Woman: Dead Earth – Daniel Warren Johnson with a more recent “essential” tome. A Black Label tale finds Wonder Woman awakened in a dystopian hellscape and trying to figure out what happened. It’s Metal.

Han Shot First

Han Solo at Stars' End  Star Wars  Star Wars

The Marvel Han Solo Sale runs through Monday, 3/3.

This sales leans heavily (but not exclusively) on the original Marvel run and the collections that originated at Dark Horse.

The original Marvel run and some of the DH Rebellion collections are near the bottom of this link. Let’s break out the original Marvel volumes:

You’ll find the titular Dark Horse Star Wars here, along with the newspaper strip. Speaking of the strip, prior to Al Williamson tagging in as artist, Archie Goodwin and Alfredo Alcala adapted Han Solo at Stars’ Endwhich seems appropriate this week.

Did Anybody Card These Heroes?

Young Avengers  Young Avengers  Avengers: The Children's Crusade

The Marvel Young Avengers Sale runs through Monday, 3/3.

We can sum this sale up succinctly. You’re looking at two inclusive volumes:

The creator names are even in the title(s)!

Seriously, though: the Heinberg/Cheung original series was a buzz book that seem to come out of nowhere when it dropped. Hulking and Wiccan have gone on to get pretty fully integrated into the Marvel Universe.

Something that’s not in the sale, but would be of interest if you want to go down the Young Avengers rabbit hole: Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, which we would consider V.2 for Heinberg/Cheung and more fully addresses the Wiccan/Scarlet Witch relationship.

Kodansha Unlimited?

Attack on Titan  That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime Witch Hat Atelier

The Kodansha Linewide Sale runs through Monday, 3/10.

If you like manga, you probably want to browse this 4000+ item monster of a sale.

A few titles we see mentioned a bit:

Our favorite of the line is still Attack on Titan. That series opens up into a much deeper story than you’d ever suspect in the first volume. Horror? Political thriller? Yes.

Unannounced Sales

Dune  Legend of Korra

The Marvel “Maybe” Sales

Incredible Hulk  Venom  The Spectacular Spider-Men

The trend continues. New releases at lower than expected price points and discounted pre-orders. Is this the new normal? We’re not sure, but let’s run them down.

Dropping This Week

Dropping Next Week

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: DC $1.99 Mania Pt 2; Star Wars; Marvel’s Best of ’24; What If?

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, part 2 of our look at DC’s $1.99 Mania. Marvel applies discounts to Star Wars, What If? and their best of 2024 list. Dark Horse also is slashing price on Star Wars.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Administrative Notes

Ho, ho ho – the holiday sales march on. Last time out, we flagged all the new Marvel Epic Collections since the last time those had a dedicated sale and pointed out DC’s $1.99 collections of recent/active series. We’ll probably be breaking the DC sale into two more installments… it’s just that big and those rock bottom prices demand attention.

DC $1.99 Mania Continued (Part II)

Tales of the Batman: Steve Englehart  DC: The New Frontier  Fables

The DC Holiday All eBooks Sale runs through 12/30.

So, last time we were taking a quick glance at the current titles that are $1.99 (which is our kind of madness). Now we’re starting on a deep dive through the sale catalog. We’re not really going to be putting an emphasis on titles from the last few years, unless they were exceptional or there’s a Deluxe format (double volumes) you should be aware of. You know how to look up the current run of Batman without our help. We’re looking at good (but perhaps less visible) reads, large collections with exceptional value and things that might not get discounted very often as our compass points.

  • 1st Issue Special – A very odd Showcase type anthology that for this price, you’re looking at specific issues/feature: Atlas and Manhunter by Kirby. The debut of Warlord by Mike Grell. A Mike Fleisher/Steve Ditko Creeper issue. Most definitely a masterful Doctor Fate tale by Martin Pasko and Walt Simonson. This is normally more than $1.99
  • 52 – Johns/Morrison/Rucka/Waid/Giffen writing (and laying out) a 52 issue weekly series… which you can now have the entirety of for $3.98? Madness.
  • Action Comics ’38-’11 – Everything here is $1.99, including large Golden Age volumes and the Gil Kane collection, which is usually much more expensive.
  • All Star Comics: Only Legends Live Forever – Gerry Conway / Paul Levitz / Wally Wood / Keith Giffen / Joe Staton; The complete ’70s JSA revival, including the Adventure Comics stories; 449 pages, usually more than $1.99
  • American Vampire – Scott Snyder / Rafael Albuquerque – America gets it’s own breed of vampire
  • Animal Man (’89) – The Grant Morrison / Chas Troug is cheaper in omnibus format herethen cut back to “regular” volumes for Peter Milligan, Tom Veitch and Jamie Delano/Steve Dillon
  • Aquaman (’62-’78) – Apparently, I lied last week. This is the cheapest you’ll see these. 2 volumes of the Steve Skeates / Jim Aparo run and then a collection of the Adventure Comics and last few issues of the regular series by David Michelinie / Paul Levitz / Jim Aparo / Mike Grell / Don Newton. (Death of a Prince is listed at 337 pages.) These are all usually priced like HCs.
  • Aquaman: The Atlantis Chronicles – Peter David / Esteban Maroto; This one is usually priced at a premium. What it actually is, is an undersea sword and sorcery epic about this history of Atlantis. Epic Fantasy, beautifully illustrated and deserves a much wider audience. $1.99? Bargain for 337 pages
  • Aztek: The Ultimate Man – Grant Morrison & Mark Millar / N. Steven Harris; Can a Morrison/Millar collaboration be under the radar? Yes! Infrequently discounted, too.
  • Batman (’40-’11) – Lots of worthy books here, but we’re going to focus on good collections that are usually a lot more expensive.
    • Batman: Birth of the Demon – Mike W. Barr / Denny O’Neil / Jerry Bingham / Tom Grindberg / Norm Breyfogle; Collects the graphic novels: Son of the Demon, Bride of the Demon and Birth of the Demon; A Ra’s al Ghul trilogy
    • Batman: Tales of the Demon – Denny O’Neil / Neal Adams / Don Newton; The original Ra’s al Ghul tales, including the ’79-’80 return in Detective.
    • Tales of the Batman: Steve Englehart – Englehart / Marshall Rogers / Walter Simonson; All of Englehart’s Batman. If the original Detective run isn’t the best Batman run, it’s at least top 3.  452 pages of QUALITY for $1.99. Highest possible recommendation.
    • Tales of the Batman: Gerry Conway – For whatever reason, V. 1 is listed with Batman and subsequent volumes are listed under Detective. What you need to know – if you want to read the Gene Colan or Don Newton runs, get them in the Gerry Conway titled collections. The stories frequently jumped between titles in this era and the stories will make a lot more sense this way!
    • Batman: The Caped Crusader: V. 1 – There are six volumes, starting here, that collect the 80s run, which is a good period. (Although watch you don’t duplicate materials, particularly with Grant/Breyfogle.)
  • Batman (’16 – present) – The “Deluxe” double volumes of Tom King’s run are at $1.99 in the “Omnibuses” section
  • Batman and the Outsiders – Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo / Alan Davis; Batman’s mid-80s team book. Seldom are all three volumes on sale the same time and they’re usually on the pricey side
  • Batman Eternal – The weekly Batman serial led by Scott Snyder & James Tynion IV. 52 issues across 3 volumes for $1.99@
  • Batman: Shadow of the Bat – Slightly longer volumes of the Bat-title launched by Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle
  • Batman: The Adventures Continue – Excellent continuation of the Batman: The Animated Series from the ’90s by people qualified to continue it: Alan Burnett / Paul Dini / Ty Templeton
  • Bizarro Comics – DC shorts done by an all-star set of alternative cartoonists
  • Booster Gold – The original Dan Jurgens series from the ’80s
  • Boy Commandos by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby – Simon & Kirby’s very popular WWII series, normally subject to HC pricing
  • The Brave and the Bold (’59-’83) – The team-up issues start with Haney and occupy most of the Jim Aparo titled volumes, with some large page counts. Then you have the classic Neal Adams Batman filed here
  • Challengers of the Unknown by Jack Kirby – Dave Wood / Jack Kirby; Kirby’s ’58 hit for DC is a pretty much a dry run for the Fantastic Four, except the villains are the ones with powers
  • DC: The New Frontier – Darwyn Cooke’s masterpiece about the dawn of the Silver Age. All in one volume. 500 pages / $1.99 and a highest possible recommendation
  • DC Through the 80s – Paul Levitz curates two large anthologies highlighting DC high points in the 80s.
  • Deadman – Neal Adams / Paul Levitz / Len Wein / Jim Aparo / Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez; The very definition of a cult series, this collects the Adams original and the various spots Deadman was kept alive (pun intended) in the 70s/80s
  • The Demon by Jack KirbyKirby’s horror-adventure series about a man bound to a demon by Merlin
  • Detective Comics (’37 – ’11) – Lots of good things that are worth a browse, including the Golden Age reprints and the “Dark Detective” volumes containing the 80s issues, but let’s specifically call out a few things:
    • Batman: New Gotham V.1 and V.2 – Greg Rucka / Shawn Martinbrough / Rich Burchett; Very stylish (and stylized) run that’s not as recognized as it could be.
    • Legends of the Dark Knight: Norm Breyfogle Vol. 1 & Vol. 2; Get the Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle run in larger chunks (before switching over to Caped Crusader and Shadow of the Bat); Heaps of good stuff for $1.99
    • Tales of the Batman: Archie Goodwin – Archie is one of the best ever to write comics (and we can 100% confirm the stories of what a nice guy he was). These are his Batman stories.
    • Batwoman by Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams – Get their complete collaboration with this volume. Great run.
    • Manhunter by Archie Goodwin and Walter Simonson Deluxe Edition – Simply one of the best adventure comics of all time, as you might guess from Archie and Walt collaborating. Highest possible recommendation
  • Detective Comics (’16 – present) – That link takes you to the “Deluxe” double volumes (still $1.99) of James Tynion IV’s Detective run. It has a “Batman Family” flavor and we prefer it to the more recent, higher profile run on Batman
  • Dial H – China Mieville / Alberto Ponticelli / Mateus Santolouco; OK, Mieville has been the dean of “weird fiction” for quite some time, but now that he’s collaborated with Keanu on a BZRKR novel (quite good, btw), you might take interest in his take on Dial H for Hero. Mostly under the radar, but wonderfully bizarre
  • Doctor Fate (’15-’16) – Paul Levitz / Sonny Liew; Would that all re-imaginings be so good. This Egyptian mythology-centric take on Fate deserves more love. Plus, Sonny Liew!
  • Doom Patrol (’64-’68) – Arnold Drake / Bruno Premiani; The Doom Patrol was effectively (if not intentionally) DC’s version of the X-Men. Outcasts as heroes
  • Doom Patrol (’87 – ’95) – Grant Morrison / Richard Case; The Morrison run (and the Brotherhood of Dada) in three volumes, $1.99@
  • Ex Machina – Brian K. Vaughan / Tony Harris; NYC’s first superhero is elected mayor and then things get complicated; 10-issue volumes
  • Fables – Bill Willingham / Mark Buckingham; The excellent saga of fairy tale characters hiding out in NYC after being driven from their lands by a despot. Why yes, The Big Bad Wolf is their sheriff. “Deluxe” double volumes for $1.99

There will probably be two more installments of this before the sale is over. Next time we start back with the remarkable Far Sector.

May the Sale Be With You

Darth Vader by Gillen Omnibus  Star Wars Omnibus  Star Wars Wild Space

The Marvel Star Wars Omnibus Sale runs through Monday, 1/6.

This is similar to the previous Marvel Omnibus Sale, just with Star Wars instead of Spidey.

What’s good? Dark Vader really seems to bring out the best in creators.  Darth Vader by Gillen & Larroca Omnibus is at the top of the mountain. Star Wars: Darth Vader by Charles Soule Omnibus isn’t too far behind it.

The New Republic  V.2 is a decent way to get the Dark Empire and Thrawn material that effectively re-energized Star Wars in the 90s.

The Best of the Best of the Best

Avengers, Inc.  G.O.D.S.Ultimate Spider-Man

The Marvel Best of 2024 Sale runs through Monday, 1/6.

OK, some of the single issues in these collections might be from ’23, but you know the drill here. If you’re looking for recent Spidey or the last act of the Hickman/Krakoa/HoX-PoX era of X-Men, that’s definitely here. As for the best, we’ll narrow that down a little in the World According to Cheap:

  • Avengers Inc.: Action, Mystery, Adventure – Al Ewing / Leonard Kirk; The Wasp, out of uniform and investigating superhuman murders with an amnesiac partner who isn’t the Vision, but uses one of his old aliases. Great little series.
  • Avengers: Twilight – Chip Zdarsky / Daniel Acuna; In a possible future, an aging Steve Rogers assembles a new team to revolt against a world controlled by corrupted media
  • Doctor Strange by Jed Mackay Vol. 2: The War-Hound Of The Vishanti – Jed MacKay / Pasqual Ferry / Juan Gedeon – Strange confronts a splintered off version of himself who’s spent 5,000 years fighting a war for the Vishanti. Suffice it to say his other self has been changed by the experience. Doctor Strange has been MacKay’s finest work at Marvel
  • G.O.D.S. – Jonathan Hickman / Valerio Schiti; This one is more of a literary urban fantasy plopped down in the Marvel universe, such that Doctor Strange and the Living Tribunal are supporting players. In what might be called a variation on Michael Moorcock’s battles between Order and Chaos, we find two… let’s call them “agencies” patrolling around the entities that govern magic and reality, but with competing philosophies. We could really do with another series when Hickman has a break in his schedule.
  • Immortal Thor – Al Ewing / Martin Coccolo; Thor finds himself caught in a series of plots involving the power of stories
  • Marvel Unleashed – Kyle Starks / Jesús Hervás; This is one of the more unusual things Marvel has released in recent years. It’s a Pet Avengers book, but don’t let that scare you off. It’s fine for adults. Lockjaw has been abducted and the Pet Avengers are helping a pet look for a missing master who had dealings with A.I.M. Oh, it’s funny, but the underlying plot is serious. Very good book and likely won’t be quite what you were expecting
  • Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age – Neil Gaiman / Mark Buckingham; After all these years, The Silver Age is finally completed. Now, about the next issue of THB? I’ve been waiting almost as long…
  • The Incredible Hulk – Phillip Kennedy Johnson / Nic Klein; As Banner roams the country, a conspiracy of monsters is looking for him. They seem to recognize the Hulk from ancient times and wish to use him to awaken their mother. Klein is really killing it, too. Horror, but more occult than Immortal Hulk’s horror
  • Predator Vs. Wolverine – Ben Percy / Ken Lashley / Andrea Di Vito – Exactly what it sounds like, but better. Wolverine encounters a Predator and it keeps coming back. It definitely scratches an itch and it’s all in the execution.
  • Ultimate Invasion – Jonathan Hickman / Bryan Hitch; The set-up for the new Ultimate line as The Maker (aka Ultimate Reed Richards) escapes captivity and seeks to reshape a new universe to eliminate the competition
  • Ultimate Spider-Man – Jonathan Hickman / Marco Checchetto; In the best of the Ultimate line, a married with children Peter Parker becomes Spidey later in life, meets a new Green Goblin and explores a world that is not what it seems. Emphasis is on world building, early on.

If Not, Why Not?

What If?  What If

The Marvel What If? Sale runs through Monday, 1/6.

We have a preference for the original What If, here, but we’d like to point something out to you first. When you go to the series link for the original, toward the top of the page, you’ll see a new navigation feature that’s a little more relevant here. Under the series graphic on the left hand side is a pulldown menu where you can select “Volumes” or “Omnibus.” Volumes being the “normal” sized collections.  We’ll have to have a longer look at how that’s implemented. It might be useful… IF it works.  In this case it only shows the omnibus on sale. Yes, that’s right, there are actually four omnibuses containing ~12 issues each of What If. Only one of them is on sale and that’s the only one that shows up on the Omnibuses page, ergo the Omnibuses page appears to be broken. (Why are you acting surprised?)

So, here’s the link for the “regular” volumes. Here’s the link for the lone omnibus on sale (which is issues #1-12).  And we’ll look at some of the more interesting stuff in the individual volumes, since What If is all over the map. Some of these are going to sound awfully darn familiar, too.  What If seems like a gold mine for pitching your editor!

  • #1 – What If Spider-Man Joined the Fantastic Four? (V. 1 / Omnibus)
  • #2 – What If The Hulk Had the Brain of Bruce Banner? (V. 1 / Omnibus)
  • #10 – What If Jane Foster Had Found the Hammer of Thor? (V. 2 / Omnibus)
  • #12 – What If Rick Jones Had Become The Hulk? (V. 2 / Omnibus)
  • #13 – What If Conan the Barbarian Walked the Earth Today?  (NOPE, no longer collected)
  • #23 – What If The Hulk Had Become a Barbarian? (V. 4)
  • #30 – What If Spider-Man’s Clone Had Lived? (V. 5)
  • #35 – What If Elektra Had Lived? (V.6)
  • #37 – What If The Beast and The Thing Continued to Mutate? (V.6)
  • #43 – What If Conan Were Stranded in the 20th Century? (No longer collected).

We’re not saying this was a try-out book like Marvel Premiere or Showcase, but flash forward a couple decades and some of the topics started turning up nice and regular… and still are.

The Marvel “Maybe” Sales

Immortal X-Men

The trend continues. New releases at lower than expected price points and discounted pre-orders. Is this the new normal? We’re not sure, but let’s run them down.

Dropping This Week

  • Immortal X-Men Vol. 5 – X-Men Forever – Kieron Gillen / Luca Maresca; Technically, this is the X-Men Forever mini-series that tied in with Fall of the House of X. But, yeah, it’s really the final installment of Immortal X-Men. $6.99

Unannounced Sales

Vader's Castle  40: A Doonesbury Retrospective  Bad Dreams in the Night

It’s a double team on Star Wars as Dark Horse has their current tiles on sale:

Also on sale:

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales – Star Wars; More $1.99 DC Collections; Old Man Logan; Department of Truth; Black Hammer

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Marvel discounts Star Wars Epic Collections and Old Man Logan. DC has comics that have been adapted for TV and film as low as $1.99. Plus, The Black Hammer and Dragon Age.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

[Note: we looked at the X-Men/Krakoa and Thunderbolts sales earlier in the week.
Also, by popular nagging demand, we are at

We Will Control the Vertigo Vertical

Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters  New Teen Titans  DC: The New Frontier

The DC on TV Sale runs through Monday, 11/18.

Once again, we find ourselves in the midst of holiday pricing. Yes, we’re sad, too. There’s more to the sale (500+ books), but we’re going to focus on some good options at the rock bottom $1.99 and $2.99 price points.


  • Deathstroke ’16 – ’20 – Christopher Priest / Carlo Pagulayan / Larry Hama / Diogenes Neves; Very under appreciated character piece. Highly recommended.
  • Doctor Fate – Paul Levitz / Sonny Liew; Superior reimagining of the character that leans into Egyptian mythology. Would that all reinventions of a classic character work this well…
  • Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters – Mike Grell relaunches Green Arrow without the trick arrows as more of a thriller.
  • Green Arrow (’88 – ’98) – Mike Grell / Ed Hannigan / Dan Jurgens / Rick Hoberg; Grell’s regular series follow up to The Longbow Hunters
  • Harley Quinn (’13-’16) – Amanda Connor / Jimmy Palmiotti / Chad Hardin; A slapstick / absurdist take on Harley
    • Harley Quinn (’16-’20) – Amanda Connor / Jimmy Palmiotti / Chad Hardin / John Timms; For all intents and purposes, it’s the same series at the ’13 iteration through V.5
  • Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass – Mariko Tamaki / Steve Pugh; OGN
  • Hawkworld – Tim Truman / Enrique Alcatena; The first post-crisis reimagining of Hawkman, emphasizing the science fiction elements of the Silver Age version
  • Justice Society of America (’07-’11) – Geoff Johns / Dale Eaglesham; Bill Willingham / Jesus Merino; Mixed pricing w/ $2.99; Includes an Alex Ross follow-up to Kingdom Come
  • The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen – Alan Moore / Kevin O’Neill; Ignore that ridiculous movie. Moore & O’Neill raid Victorian literature to assemble a supergroup of Alan Quartermain (King Solomon’s Mine), Mina Harker (Dracula), Captain Nemo  (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea), Edward Hyde (Doctor Jeckyll and Mister Hyde) and Hawley Griffin (The Invisible Man) as they do a spot of work for the government. Literate and witty. And no bloody Tom Sawyer.


  • DC Meets Looney Tunes – You’re getting this for the SHOCKINGLY GOOD Batman Vs. Elmer Fudd by Tom King and Lee Weeks. Weeks cannot be praised enough for pulling this off with such style.
  • New Teen Titans (’80-’88) – Marv Wolfman / George Perez / Eduardo Barreto; Did this classic run save DC in the early ’80s? Quite possibly.
  • Preacher – Garth Ennis / Steve Dillon; God’s gone missing and Jesse Custer would like to have a word with him; Double volumes
  • Saga of the Swamp Thing (’82-’96) – Alan Moore’s legendary run and, for most practical purposes, the birthing of the Vertigo imprint
  • Sandman – Neil Gaiman and a rotating cast of artists
  • Y: The Last Man – Brian K. Vaughan / Pia Guerra; Double volumes for $2.99 as the last living man on Earth searches for his girlfriend as the rest of the world searches for him

$3.99 (and we still recommend it)

  • Batwoman by Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams – You can figure out the creators yourself; Contains the full and excellent run from Detective Comics
  • DC: The New Frontier – Darwyn Cooke’s stone cold masterpiece about the dawn of the Silver Age
  • Doom Patrol: The Silver Age – Arnold Drake / Bruno Premiani; Essentially DC’s answer to the original X-Men, though it seems like they were developed simultaneously. More pathos than most DC’s from the period and good stuff.
  • Doom Patrol (’87-’95) – Grant Morrison / Richard Case; The legendary run in three double volumes
  • Flash (’87 – ’09) – Geoff Johns/Scott Kolins; The original Johns run was where he started to get noticed
  • Flash (’16 – ’20) – Josh Williamson / Carmine di Giandomenico / Howard Porter; Mixed pricing with some scattered $1.99/$2.99

Sing Along With Nick

The Marvel Star Wars Epic Collections Sale runs through Monday, 11/18.

The headline here should probably be that the current Marvel run is starting to get Epic Editions.

Star Wars Epic Collection

Star Wars Modern Era Epic Collection: Skywalker Strikes collects the first 14 issues of the Jason Aaron / John Cassaday (RIP) run, plus the Vader Down crossover issues.

You might be asking “where’s the Vader Epic Collection?” A fine question, too. The answer is the first one is coming out at the end of the month.

Agent of Empire   Dark Empire   Star Wars Newspaper Strip

As for the Epic Collections of the original Marvel run and the Dark Horse material, there really aren’t title-specific links here, which is super annoying.

These Epic Collections are _all_ in this link.

A few things we’ll call out as particularly good.

The original Marvel Star Wars, #49-69, the under appreciated, post-Empire period with Walt Simonson and/or David Michelinie.  Most of it is in this DH Omnibus.

John Ostrander’s “Agent of Empire” is collected in this Epic. Think “what if James Bond spied for the Empire.” It’s fun.

Tom Veitch and Cam Kennedy reinvigorated the franchise in the 90s when they did Dark Empire. That and Dark Empire II are collected in this Epic.

Also fun, the Ostrander/Jan Duursema “Legacy” series, wherein the down and out last heir to the Skywalker legacy finds himself embroiled with a resurgent Sith Empire. 4 volumes, starting here.

And finally, there’s nothing quite like Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson on the Star Wars newspaper strip. Yes, that’s Russ Manning who comes first. 2 volumes starting here.

And finally a list of Epics we don’t think were on sale the last time these prices rolled around:

Wolverine… and the Sea?

Wolerine: Old Man Logan   Wolverine: Old Man Logan

The Marvel Old Logan and the Wasteland Sale runs through Monday, 11/18.

Yes, the Old Man Logan storyline has spawn a series of miniseries set in “The Wasteland” setting from the original.

That’s what the real spread is here with the rest of the sale being side attractions you may or may not be into.  The original storyline of a cranky, aged (“Old Man”) version of Wolverine living in a dystopic future came off as a sort of Elseworlds tale and is fairly well regarded as a standalone tale.

It was popular enough that the “Old Man Logan” version of the character was contrived to appear in the present (his past… before the disaster that spawned a dystopia) in the period when Wolverine was supposed to be “dead.” It even lasted 50 issues. We’d say give the Jeff Lemire issues a look if it sounds interesting, particularly the Lemire/Sorrentino issues. This was one of their pre-Image collaborations and it’s much more entertaining than the editorial premise sounds.

Don’t Feed the Sale-Naming Trolls

Department of Truth   The Fade Out  Sam and Twitch

The Un-be-leafable Image Comics Sale runs through Black Friday.

Do not encourage whoever’s naming these Image sales. Moving right along to the actual sales, this is another one with a mystery/horror bent to it. Lots of good stuff and it’s worth a browse. A few things we’ve read and are happy to recommend:

  • The Department of Truth – James Tynion IV / Martin Simmonds; Possibly our favorite Tynion series. There’s an X-Files-esque setup, but this series is about the power of belief and myth to shape reality, not an alien invasion
  • The Fade Out – Ed Brubaker / Sean Phillips; A Hollywood blacklist era noir thriller about the cover-up of a starlet’s murder from the ever-reliable team of Brubaker & Phillips
  • The Fix – Nick Spencer / Steve Lieber; A farce about two crooked cops and a much more reliable drug sniffing dog by the Superior Foes of Spider-Man team
  • Sam & Twitch – Brian Bendis / Angel Medina / Ashley Wood / Alex Maleev; Spawn’s detective companions investigate weird mysteries. The Bendis issues are a creepy delight
  • Stray Bullets – David Lapham; Lapham’s crime series was basically Criminal, but a decade earlier. A classic “if you know, you know” series

The Marvel “Maybe” Sales

Ghost Rider  Amazing Spider-Man

The trend continues. New releases at lower than expected price points and discounted pre-orders. Is this the new normal? We’re not sure, but let’s run them down.

Dropping This Week

Pre-Order for Next Week

Unannounced Sales

Black Hammer Omnibus  Dragon Age  The Hunger and the Dusk

Dark Horse has the world of Black Hammer on sale this week.

This would be — we think it’s OK to call it a superhero universe at this point — the indie superhero saga by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston and friends. There are a couple branches to how this saga unfurls.

The main Black Hammer series is here and that’s where you should start the journey. But, as with many long running titles, there are a few different editions to it and this is what we think the cheapest (if messy to sort) way to read the series is.

There are currently 7 volumes under the main series + a collection of specials + 2 volumes of “Visions” with guest creators playing in the Black Hammer standbox.

So what you want to do to cheap out is go to the omnibus page first.

Black Hammer Omnibus V.1 is basically the same thing as the first Library edition. That gets you the first two “regular” volumes (issues 1-13) + the Annual.

Black Hammer Library Edition V. 2 gets you the equivalent of “regular” volumes 3 &4 (“Age of Doom”) plus the Streets of Spiral material not in the Ominbus.

Then you can pick up again with V.5 of the regular editions.

Then you’ve got the World of Black Hammer collections, which are solo tales about the various heroes and villains like Barbalien and Sherlock Frankenstein.

And finally, there’s Black Hammer / Justice League: Hammer of Justice, the Lemire / Michael Walsh team up between… well, that’s in the title, isn’t it? This one offers savings in the single issue format.

Also on sale, Dark Horse’s comics adaptations of BioWare’s Dragon Age line of video games:

Also on sale:

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: May the 4th Be With You – Star Wars Sale

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, it’s the annual May the Fourth Be With You sale. Lots of Marvel Star Wars.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

No worries! We understand May the 4th is a holy day for many of you. We’re here a little early to help you with your observances and then we’ll be back for the weekend to break down the rest of the sales.

Nothing But Star Wars

Star Wars  Darth Vader Star Wars: The High Republic

The Marvel May the 4th Star Wars Sale runs through Monday, 5/6.

First, let’s run through the highlights. These are mostly the current Marvel Star Wars titles, not the Dark Horse or original Marvel runs. Also, looks like hardly any omnibuses are on sale this year? Boo…

  • Bounty Hunters (’20 -’24) – Ethan Sacks / Paolo Villanelli
  • War of the Bounty Hunters (’21) – Charles Soule / Steve McNiven / Luke Ross, wherein Boba Fett tries to deliver a carbonite encased Han Solo to Jaba the Hutt (and the Companion volume)
  • Darth Vader (’15-’16) – The AMAZING Kieron Gillen / Salvador Larroca run… and remember to get Vader Down – the Darth Vader / Star Wars crossover sequence that is KEY to this run and is not in the regular collections (just the omnibuses)
  • Darth Vader (’17 – ’18) – The also great Charles Soule / Giuseppe Camuncoli run
  • Darth Vader (’20 – present) – Greg Pak and Raffaele Ienco step in.
  • Doctor Aphra (’16-’19) – Sort of an evil Indiana Jones in the Star Wars universe, spinning off from Darth Vader. The early Gillen/Walker run is particularly good. Plus, a reminder to get The Screaming Citadel – Star Wars/Aphra crossover with key plot points to the early sequence – it’s included in the Omnibus, but not the “regular” volumes. (Seeing a pattern?)
  • Doctor Aphra (’20 – present) – Alyssa Wong / Marika Cresta / Minkyu Jung
  • Kanan: The Last Padawan Star Wars Rebels prequel by by Greg Weisman and Pepe Larraz
  • The Mandalorian (’22-’23) – Steven Barnes and Georges Jeanty adapt the first season
  • Star Wars (’15-’19) – The Marvel flagship title amazingly went 4 years without a relaunch!
  • Star Wars (’20 – present) – The relaunch! And, following protocol, Charles Soule moves from Darth Vader to Star Wars, like Gillen before him.
  • Star Wars: The High Republic (’21-’22)
  • Star Wars: The High Republic: Phase II (’22-’23)
  • Star Wars: The High Republic: The Blade

Recommendations? For whatever reason, Darth Vader seems to bring out the best in Marvel. Those first two series with Gillen and Soule, especially. Is it a coincidence Lucasfilm hired Charles Soule as a creative consultant?

Your under the radar title is KananA very solid series from one the Star Wars Rebels producers and we no longer have to introduce Pepe Larraz, do we?

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Black Friday Sales Part 2 – DC’s $1.99 Collected Editions(!); Star Wars; The Orville

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, it’s more Black Friday Sales as DC has a ridiculous amount of great comics for $1.99 – $2.99. Plus, Dark Horse discounts Star Wars and The Orville.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Earlier in the week, we looked at the Marvel Black Friday Sales. Given the holiday, we’re back a little bit earlier than usual to look at DC and Dark Horse. Take your time and browse this through the weekend. You will want to have a close look at the DC sale.

DC Gets CHEAP for the Holidays

The DC Black Friday Sale runs through Monday, 11/27.

$1.99 collected editions cheap enough for you? Including some double volumes. How about 5226 issues per volume, ~570 pages & ~600 pages for $2.99 each. That’s cheap, all right.

We’ll be breaking format and just going down the list with some quick annotations. There is a LOT we like here for the prices and/or think is notable.  Not as much Batman/Superman… but that sale was last week. You’ll also note this only goes from A-J. We expect L-Z will follow.

Without further adieu:

  • 100 Bullets – Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso spin a tale about the intersection of revenge, crime and espionage. A classic from Vertigo. Double volumes for $1.99? Yup.
  • 52 – Grant Morrison, Mark Waid, Greg Rucka, Geoff Johns and Keith Giffen got together to produce a weekly comic that spanned the DC universe for a year. 52 issues, 2 volumes (collecting 26 issues each) for $2.99/volume.
  • All-Star Superman – Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely write a love letter to Silver Age Superman tales. A classic we hear James Gunn is a big fan of. All 12 issues for $1.99
  • Batman and Robin – The Grant Morrison / Frank Quitely / Cameron Stewart / Frazier Irving material
  • Batman/Spawn – both of the 90s crossovers for $1.99
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum – The Grant Morrison / Dave McKean classic for $1.99
  • Camelot 3000 – Mike W. Barr / Brian Bolland – King Arthur returns to repel an alien invasion… as was foretold. ~300 pages / $1.99
  • Challengers of the Unknown – Jack Kirby’s late ’50s, pre-Marvel SF/F adventurer team. Not quite superheroes, but you’ll be shocked how Fantastic Four it feels. ~300 pages / $1.99
  • Clean Room – A lesser-known Gail Simone / Jon Davis-Hunt horror tale from Vertigo
  • Creature Commandos – soon to be an animated series, these are the originals
  • The Scott Snyder / Greg Capullo “Metal” crossover Events:
  • DC: The New Frontier: Darwyn Cooke’s must-read classic about the dawn of the Silver Age characters
  • Deadman – Collecting the appearance from Neal Adams in Strange Adventures through the ’80s mini-series.
  • Dial H – The China Mieville / Alberto Ponticelli / Mateus Santolouco “weird fiction” take on the dial that gives it’s wearer new powers each time. A bizarre delight. ~400 pages / $2.99
  • The Doomsday Clock – The Geoff Johns / Gary Frank crossover Event that brought Watchmen into the DC Universe. 455 pages/$2.99
  • Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepus Chronicles – Mark Russell’s and Mike Feehan’s dark satire casts the cartoon character as a gay playwright facing off against the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s. No, really. It’s good.
  • Fables – Bill Willingham’s / (mostly) Mark Buckingham’s series about the characters from fairy tales hiding out in New York City as refuges after their worlds have been conquered. A classic.
  • Far Sector N.K. Jemisin / Jamal Campbell take a new Green Lantern to the edge of the universe to solve a mystery. Absolutely wonderful book. ~300 pages / $1.99 – no excuses
  • Final Crisis – The celebrated crossover Event by Grant Morrison / J.G. Jones / Doug Mahnke / Carlos Pacheco. 456 pages / $1.99 (!)
  • The Flash (’87 – ’09) – $1.99/$2.99 omnibuses of the Mark Waid run. Watch to see if the Geoff Johns volumes prices get better in a couple days…
  • The Flash: The Silver Age – The early stories, ~400 pages / $1.99
  • Gotham Central – Ed Brubaker / Greg Rucka / Michael Lark / Stefano Gaudiano / Jason Alexander / Kano – The Gotham PD handles things without Batman. EXCELLENT series and $1.99 for double volumes. Just get it.
  • Grayson – The Tim Seeley / (early) Tom King / Mikel Janin series with Dick Grayson as a spy/double agent
  • Green Lantern (’60 – ’86)
  • Green Lantern (’05 – ’11) – The Geoff Johns run… and this is more complicated than is should be, but it really is an excellent run.
  • Hard Time: The Complete Series – Steve Gerber / Mary Skrenes / Brian Hurtt in a criminally below the radar of super powered teen who gets (shafted) sent to prison. 458 pages / $2.99
  • Hardware: The Man in the Machine -Dwayne McDuffie and Denys Cowan gave this Milestone book a great opening arc.
  • Hitman – The Garth Ennis / John McCrae bloody farce
  • Infinite Frontier – The crossover Event. 392 pages / $1.99
  • Jack of Fables – The Bill Willingham / Lilah Sturges/ Tony Akins / Russ Braun Fables companion book. (i.e., fun) – 16 issues/volume – $2.99
  • JLA (’97-’06) – Starts with the Grant Morrison/Howard Porter Justice League run. Then some Mark Waid, Joe Kelly… even Chris Claremont / John Byrne. Double volumes for the most part / $1.99
  • Jonah Hex: Shadows West – All of the Joe R. Lansdale / Tim Truman horror take on Jonah Hex for $1.99. Great stuff that started a lawsuit!

But that’s just our take on the highlights. At these prices, you should have a scroll through the sale yourself between now and Monday.

All-Star Superman   Far Sector   Gotham Central

Nothing But Star Wars

The Dark Horse 2023 Star Wars Digital Sale runs through Monday, 12/25.

That’s right Dark Horse has Star Wars again. They have the YA license. Rule of thumb with this sale: the $0.99 single issues are cheaper than the collected editions when available.  What’s in this sale?

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures   Star Wars Hyperspace Stories    Star Wars: Tales from the Rancor Pit

It Only Looks Like Star Trek

The  Dark Horse 2023 The Orville-Space Job Digital Sale runs through Monday, 12/18.

Again, you want the $0.99 single issues here for maximum cheap.

The Orville   Space Job

Enjoy the holiday and we’ll be back next week.

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Black Friday Sales Part 1 – Marvel Omnibuses, Star Wars: The High Republic; Heroes Reborn

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Black Friday has arrived with Marvel’s Omnibus Sale, plus discounts on Heroes Reborn and Star Wars: The High Republic.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Surprise, surprise… normally we expect to see Marvel having an Epic Collection Sale the week of Black Friday.  Apparently, that’s not the case this year. They whipped out an Omnibus sale instead.  As we go into holiday sale season, we’ll be looking at the Marvel sale today and the rest of the sale at the end of the week.


The Marvel Omnibus Sale runs through Monday, 12/4.

What we’re looking at here, for the most part, are $19.99 Omnibus editions. How good a deal are these? Depends on the age on the material and what kind of sales you see on it during the year. These editions tend to run in the roughly 800-1000 page range, 40-ish issues. This may be a better deal on newer material and there are a few things you’re only getting in the Omnibus format.

One observation we’ll make. With the print omnibuses, some people complain they’re a little to big to comfortably handle and read. Nobody makes that complaint with digital.

What’s catching our eye, here?

Incredible Hulk by Peter David Omnibus 1-5. That would be Hulk by David with that ridiculous sequence of artists he had, including Todd McFarlane, Gary Frank, Dale Keown, Angel Medina and Liam Sharp. 1-4 collect his original run and V. 5 collects some of the many times he’s revisited Hulk since the original run ended. Why the omnibus? Because this is a weird run to pick up in collected editions. It starts out in “Marvel Visionary” editions and eventually switches over to Epic Collections. This is just a drastically easier way to grab an exceptionally long run and probably cheaper than waiting to score the Visionary editions on sale. We also don’t mind tipping our hat to Peter David when he’s recovering from some health problems.

Aliens: The Original Years – Dark Horse had the Aliens license a really long time and had a lengthy and popular run with the franchise. If you want it, there’s an Epic Collection that contains about half of the first omnibus. Otherwise, if you want these tales, it’s either the omnibuses or back issues.

Captain Britain Omnibus – This has everything from the beginning of the 70s UK run through Captain Britain Magazine and the early X-Men appearances. What you’re really getting this for are the excellent and groundbreaking Alan Moore/Alan Davis and Jamie Delano/Alan Davis runs from the end of this period, which we’re not currently seeing available elsewhere. The rest is a bonus.

Incredible Hulk by Peter David   Aliens: The Original Years   Captain Britain Omnibus

Knights of Pendragon Omnibus was out of the Marvel UK office. Knight of Pendragon was a Captain Britain-adjacent title. Dai Thomas, the supporting character from the main strip, is more of the central character with Captain Britain and Union Jack along for the ride. This was largely a Dan Abnett/John Tomlinson/Garry Erksine feature. You get some Brian Hitch art from Mys-Tech Wars and Carlos Pacheco art from Dark Guard. This is another where if you want the comics, it’s Omnibus or the back issue bins.

Miracleman Omnibus is the 80s revival of the British character Marvelman by Alan Moore, Gary Leach, Alan Davis, John Totleben and Rick Veitch. Another of Moore’s pre-Watchmen superhero deconstructions with a Captain Marvel (Shazam)-like character rediscovering his magic word after years of a normal life and very bad things following that. A landmark book that fell to the wayside after years and years of legal battles over who held which rights. This one isn’t on sale very often it’s roughly as cheap as you’ll find it.

Predator: The Original Years – Much like Aliens (and where do you think the movie people got the idea for Aliens vs. Predator?) Dark Horse had the Predator license for a really long time. These are the original Predator comics. Some of them you can get digital single issues of for $1.99@ and some of them you’d need to dive into the back issue bins for.

Knights of Pendragon   Miracleman Omnibus   Predator: The Original Years

And, NOT LISTED on the sale page:

Planet Of The Apes Adventures: The Original Marvel Years

Planet of the Apes Adventures


The  Marvel Heroes Reborn sale runs through… Tuesday 11/21?!?

OK, we’re thinking there was a typo and it’s running through Monday, 11/27?

At any rate, Heroes Reborn was when (spinning out of the X-Men storyline of Onslaught), Marvel’s frontline heroes were relocated to a different dimension/incarnations and Marvel outsourced those titles to Image.

Those books were:

  • Heroes Reborn: Avengers – originally Jim Valentino/Rob Liefeld, with Jeph Loeb, Ian Churchill, Walter Simonson and Michael Ryan all having turns.
  • Heroes Reborn: Iron Man – originally Jim Lee / Scott Lobdell / Whilce Portatco with Ryan Benjamin and Jeph Loeb tagging in later.
  • Heroes Reborn: Captain America – Rob Liefeld w/Jeph Loeb, later James Robinson/Joe Bennett
  • Heroes Reborn: Fantastic Four – *WARNING* as we type this, somebody forgot to put this on sale. Maybe the sale price is adjusted, maybe not. This was originally Jim Lee w/ Brandon Choi, with Brett Booth and Ron Lim eventually tagging in on art duties

All the heroes returned to their old forms in the Marvel Universe in Heroes Reborn: The Return

And then the titles relaunched. Not everything relaunched is in the sale (notably the WONDERFUL Kurt Busiek/George Perez Avengers) but we loved both “Captain America: Heroes Return” – better known as the second Mark Waid / Ron Garney run and “Iron Man: Heroes Return,” which was Kurt Busiek / Sean Chen. Top runs for both characters, really.

Captain America Heroes Return   Iron Man: Heroes Reborn

How High?

The Marvel High Republic Sale runs through… 11/21?

Again, we think this is a typo and it’ll run through Monday, 11/27, but I guess we’ll find out?

What’s this, it’s the new Star War initiative taking place during the “height” of the Galactic Republic, prior to the rise of the Empire. Which is to say, the Golden Age of the Jedi.

What’s on sale?

Star Wars: The High Republic   Star Wars: The High Republic - Season 2   Star Wars: The High Republic - The Blade

What else is newly on sale (that we’ll look at later in the week)?

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Marvel Max, Star Wars, a New Image Sale… and a couple sales where the prices are off

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Marvel cuts prices on their MAX line, Image has more first volumes, Dark Horse’s new Star Wars line and a couple sales might not have the correct discounts.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

First, Some Housekeeping

This is the strangest set of Labor Day sales we’ve seen. Apparently, DC and Marvel don’t check up to see if the right prices have been posted? Here’s what we know:

1) The Daredevil Legacy Sale does not appear to have normal discounts. Or any discounts in a few cases. We type this at 6pm ET on the Friday of a holiday weekend, so we’re not hopeful it gets fixed before the sale ends (but maybe check anyway). It’s a shame, because it’s been a couple years since there was a Daredevil Legacy sale and ‘ole Hornhead has had some excellent runs over the years.

2) DC’s  Labor Day Sale? More of those odd and almost certainly broken $7.76 and $6.21 price points and very few prices have corrected to normal sale pricing… which has been the case for most of the month. Something’s wrong and it doesn’t look like anyone with the ability to fix it is paying much attention. Again, maybe this gets fixed after this post goes live, so have a look… just be aware of the situation. At least there are _some_ discounts here.  Books that have normalized at $2.99 that we’d recommend:

We hate to say “proceed with caution” on what should be the two flagship sales over Labor Day, but… it is what it is. No point in sugar coating it. A lot of people (DC/Marvel/Amazon) should’ve caught this and didn’t.

3) We’ve made an addition to the standard navigation links at the top of the column. There is a Kindle Deals page for comics that has sales you don’t see on the Comixology deals page. The current sale lineup is heavy with TokyoPop and this is worth keeping an eye on.

Extra Bloody Marvel

The Marvel Max Sale runs through Monday 9/4.

In this case, “Marvel Max” refers to Marvel’s mature readers line. (Yes, that does mean a lot of Garth Ennis material.) This sale generally only pops up once or twice year, so let’s have a look.

First up is the Alan Moore / Gary Leach / Alan Davis / John Totleben run. Originally started WAY pre-Watchmen, this is an early and influential post-modern superhero reconstruction with Moore resurrecting a 50s era UK superhero that’s a bit a of Captain Marvel (Shazam) clone and taking things to their logical conclusion with a mad scientist foe, a conspiracy and a sidekick gone wrong.  It’s been half-forgotten after being out of print for a long time and Marvel botched the initial rollout of the reprints. (Don’t ask about the pricing on their original reprints.)

Aliaswhich made it to Netflix as “Jessica Jones” is the Brian Bendis/Michael Gaydos hard drinking superpowered private eye series, now conveniently in 2 volumes. Definitely an influential series, not just for inspiring a show, either.

Here’s a brand new edition to the Max section: Aliens Epic Collection: The Original Years, Vol. 1. That’s a bit of a mouthful, isn’t it? Let’s translate that – it’s an Epic Collection of the Dark Horse adaptions of Aliens going back to the 80s. They were pretty influential, too.  It contains the first two “Aliens” miniseries, Aliens: Earth War some Dark Horse Presents stories. Ah, Mark Nelson drawing Aliens…

Miracleman   Alias   Aliens

Oh, you want Garth Ennis Punisher?  Well, browse the main link for some of his one-offs (there are several), but here’s an overview:

Yes, he’s done a little Punisher. Good Punisher, too.

The Image… Countdown?

The Image Comics Discovery Sale Part 2 runs through Friday, 9/15

Remember when the last Image sale dropped and we were wondering where the rest of it was? Well, come to find out, that was actually “Part 3” of a sale. Part 2 is now up. The betting pool is now open for whether Part 1 or Part 4 will be the next installment.

This selection is the first volume of titles beginning with E through M.

[Warning: we’re seeing more “Nega-Bands” action on this link. If you click on it and see “Mage” at the beginning, you’re seeing the previous sale. Hit reload a couple times and Part 2 will come up. We don’t understand why they do it this way, but it’s a thing.]

Highlights? Glad you asked.

Geiger, V. 1 by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank wasn’t really what we were expecting from the description. And we weren’t offended that this post-apocalyptic tale had some fun to it and gave off Kamandi vibes. Warring tribes with theme park motifs, a mysterious and tragic radioactive figure, and a soldier robot? Yes, a good start and worth a look.

Ghosted by Joshua Williamson and Goran Sudzuka is one of our favorite Skybound offerings. It gets much stranger as it progresses, but the initial concept in V. 1 is “What if the Ocean’s 11 crew was sent to rob a haunted house?” Good stuff!

Gideon Falls by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino is a little hard to describe without spoilers, since it starts bending genres and genre conventions when you get a little further along. In the beginning, it’s more of a straight horror tale. The “Black Barn” appears and disappears. It’s been doing that for a very long time. Likewise, people have disappeared around it in town that is keeping secrets about it as a new appearance of the Barn starts wheels in motion.

Geiger   Ghosted   Gideon Falls

Killadelphia by Rodney Barnes and Jason Shawn Alexander is right up there at the top of Image’s current lineup. We’d say “change our minds,” but there’s not really a point. A former Philly beat cop returns home to bury his murdered father, who happened to be a detective on the force. What he finds is a vampire uprising. What unfolds is a bizarre conspiracy across 250 years with some recognizable name popping up in the strangest contexts and some wicked one-liners. Highly recommended.

Lazarus by Greg Rucka and Michael Lark qualifies as a long running Image title, since it’s been around 10 years. It comes out in arcs these days. 15 minutes into the future, the world is divided into vast fiefdoms ruled by families. Think corporations with serfs. Each family has a genetically engineered super-soldier leading their troops, called a Lazarus. The Lazarus of the Carlyle family is starting to realize she’s being lied to…

Love Everlasting by Tom King and Elsa Charretier is one of the newer volumes in this sale. It’s a pastiche of 70s romance comics viewed through more of a Rod Serling lens as a woman lives through a series of lives and romances, scatter across the timeline.

Killadelphia   Lazarus   Love Everlasting

Nothing But Star Wars… Take 2

The Dark Horse 2023 Star Wars Digital Sale runs through Monday, 9/18.

Yes, Dark Horse has Star Wars again. We believe this to be the YA license that was most recently at IDW.  We’re heard some stories that this isn’t available in every country, so the links might not go anywhere, depending where you’re at. What’s on sale?

Star Wars: Tales from the Rancor Pit   Star Wars Hyperspace Stories   Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures


The Dark Horse 2023 YouNeek Digital Sale runs through Monday, 9/18

This is the Roye Okupe imprint.

E.X.O.   Iyanu: Child of Wonder   WindMaker

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Star Wars Epic Collections; She-Hulk; Aquaman

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Marvel cuts prices on Star Wars Omnibuses and Epic Collection, as well as She-Hulk.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Cue the Vocal Stylings of Bill Murray

The Marvel Star Wars: Epic Collections and Omnibuses Sale runs through Monday, 8/28

Nothing but Star Wars in this sale. Most of them, BIG collections for $4.99.

Now, MOST of this sale is the original Marvel material or the Dark Horse Star Wars material. But let’s cover the exceptions to the rule, first:

Darth Vader by Gillen Omnibus   Darth Vader by Soule Omnibus   Doctor Aphra Omnibus

There really aren’t title-specific links here, which is super annoying.  The original Dark Horse format omnibuses are here. If you want to get the entire original Marvel run, that’s the cheaper format. They do in in one fewer volume.

The new Marvel Epic Collections are _all_ in this link.

A few things we’ll call out as particularly good.

The original Marvel Star Wars, #49-69, the under appreciated, post-Empire period with Walt Simonson and/or David Michelinie.  Most of it is in this DH Omnibus.

John Ostrander’s “Agent of Empire” is collected in this Epic. Think “what if James Bond spied for the Empire.” It’s fun.

Tom Veitch and Cam Kennedy reinvigorated the franchise in the 90s when they did Dark Empire. That and Dark Empire II are collected in this Epic.

Also fun, the Ostrander/Jan Duursema “Legacy” series, wherein the down and out last heir to the Skywalker legacy finds himself embroiled with a resurgent Sith Empire. 4 volumes, starting here.

And finally, there’s nothing quite like Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson on the Star Wars newspaper strip. Yes, that’s Russ Manning who comes first. 2 volumes starting here.

Agent of Empire   Dark Empire   Star Wars Newspaper Strip

And finally a list of Epics we don’t think were on sale the last time these prices rolled around:

We Keep Reading About Lawyers…

The Marvel She-Hulk Sale runs through Monday, 8/28.

Why yes, Jennifer Walters is a lawyer. Let’s first run down the series involved here.

  • The Savage She-Hulk (’80-’82) – mostly by David Anthony Kraft and Mike Vosburg
  • Sensational She-Hulk (’89-’94) – John Byrne, then the unlikely team of Steve Gerber & Bryan Hitch
  • She-Hulk (’04-’05) – Dan Slott / Juan Bobillo
  • She-Hulk (’05 – ’09) – Initially Dan Slott / Juan Bobillo, then Peter David takes over.
  • She-Hulk (’14-’15) – Charles Soule & Javier Pulido in one omnibus
  • She-Hulk (’16-’18) – Mariko Tamaki / Nico Leon
  • She-Hulk (’22-’23) – Rainbow Rowell / Roge Antonio / Luca Maresca

If you’re coming into She-Hulk through the TV show, the legal angle for the character really started getting emphasized with the Dan Slott era and then was followed up on by Charles Soule (who just might be a lawyer in his secret identity). Rainbow Rowell’s also picking up a pretty dedicated following with her current runs.

She-Hulk by Dan Slott   She-Hulk   She-Hulk

Flashes of Water

The  DC to the MAX Sale runs through Monday, 8/28.

Three more points of interest from DC’s two-week sale.

In the mid-90s, Peter David wrote a fairly popular Aquaman run that made the King of Atlantis a little edgy (In the ’90s? Surely not!) and had him losing a hand. $6.99 is a decent price for double-length volumes.

The Flash: The Silver Age collects the adventures of Barry Allen going back to the initial Showcase appearances. ~400 page volumes for $5.99/$6.99

Batman: Year One by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli for $3.99? Yes, that is cheaper than a new issue of Batman. Plus, it’s a beautifully illustrated, highly influential tale of Batman’s first year on the job.

Aquaman by Peter David   The Flash: The Silver Age   Batman: Year One

Grimm Singles

The Zenescope Grimm Fairy Tales #75 Spectacular Sale runs through Sunday, 8/27.

It’s a $0.99 single issue sale built around three titles:

Grimm Fairy Tales   Grimm Spotlight   Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: May the Fourth Be With You – Star Wars Sale (and Carnage, too)

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, it’s May the 4th, so that means a Star Wars Sale. And also… Carnage?

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Yes, we know May 4th is a holy day for many of you, so we’re breaking down the Star Wars Sale today and then we’ll be back at the normal time for the rest of this week’s sales.

Nothing But Star Wars… except for Carnage

The Marvel May the Fourth Star Wars Sale runs through Monday, 5/8.

First, let’s run through the highlights. Where appropriate, we’ll be linking the the omnibus editions. You can toggle between “omnibuses” and “volumes” (i.e. the “regular,” thinner collected editions) using the drop down menu on the left hand side of the screen under the series picture/graphic.

  • Bounty Hunters (’20 – present) – Ethan Sacks / Paolo Villanelli
  • War of the Bounty Hunters (’21) – Charles Soule / Steve McNiven / Luke Ross, wherein Boba Fett tries to deliver a carbonite encased Han Solo to Jaba the Hutt
  • Darth Vader (’15-’16) – The AMAZING Kieron Gillen / Salvador Larroca run
    Vader Down – the Darth Vader / Star Wars crossover sequence that is KEY to this run if you’re getting the “regular” volumes – it’s in the omnibus editions.
  • Darth Vader (’17 – ’18) – The also great Charles Soule / Giuseppe Camuncoli run
  • Darth Vader (’20 – present) – Greg Pak and Raffaele Ienco step in.
  • Doctor Aphra (’16-’19) – Sort of an evil Indiana Jones in the Star Wars universe, spinning off from Darth Vader. The early Gillen/Walker run is particularly good.
    The Screaming Citadel – Star Wars/Aphra crossover with key plot points to the early sequence – it’s included in the Omnibus, but not the “regular” volumes. (Seeing a pattern?)
  • Doctor Aphra (’20 – present) – Alyssa Wong / Marika Cresta / Minkyu Jung
  • Kanan: The Last Padawan Star Wars Rebels prequel by by Greg Weisman and Pepe Larraz
  • The Mandalorian (’22-’23) – Steven Barnes and Georges Jeanty adapt the first season
  • Star Wars (’15-’19) – The Marvel flagship title amazingly went 4 years without a relaunch!
  • Star Wars (’20 – present) – The relaunch! And, following protocol, Charles Soule moves from Darth Vader to Star Wars, like Gillen before him.
  • Star Wars: The High Republic (’21-’22)

Recommendations? For whatever reason, Darth Vader seems to bring out the best in Marvel. Those first two series with Gillen and Soule, especially. Is is a coincidence Lucasfilm hired Charles Soule as a creative consultant?

Your under the radar title is KananA very solid series from one the Star Wars Rebels producers and Pepe Larraz has since been promoted to X-Men.

Darth Vader    Darth Vader    Kanan - The Last Padawan

And then, at the bottom of the Star Wars sales page, there are a bunch of Carnage comics on sale. We have absolutely no idea why this is. Then again, is it the first time we were baffled? That would be a big NOPE.

So, if you want old school Spidey vs. Carnage, our recommendation would be the Carnage: Born in Blood Epic Collection. This gets you the first Carnage arc, as well as Maximum Carnage.

While we’re not seeing Ram V’s current horror (and Asgard) tinged Carnage title in the sale, we’re fans (the few, the proud) of the Gerry Conway / Mike Perkins Carnage run that took it in a definite horror direction with an almost Tomb of Dracula-like vibe.

Carnage  Carnage

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Still On Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Star Wars, Superman, Daredevil, Deadpool and Lone Wolf and Cub

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Superman’s “recent” work; Marvel discounts Star Wars, Daredevil and Deadpool; and Lone Wolf and Cub does some slashing.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Last Sale of Krypton

The DC Superman Recent Hits Sale runs through Monday, 11/14.

The somewhat recent critical darling here is definitely the Gene Luen Yang / Gurihiru Superman Smashes the Klan which is a reinterpretation of an old Superman radio serial. Good comic and definitely YA-appropriate.

The slightly more recent and totally under most radars option is Superman: Man of Tomorrow by Robert Venditti and Paul Pelletier. Solid “classic” Superman tales with a sly sense of humor that quietly lead into a finale. The running gag about Clark Kent’s clothes is very well done, indeed.

And from the “we have no idea how this counts as recent” category, All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely really is a great Superman comic and a love letter to the Silver Age. Very much worth your time if you’ve never partaken of it.

Superman Smashes The Klan   Superman: Man of Tomorrow   All-Star Superman

Not the Holiday Special

The Marvel Star Wars by Aaron and Gillen Sale runs through Monday, 11/14.

That would be Jason Aaron and Kieron Gillen.

The Janson Aaron run is conveniently collected in the Star Wars by Jason Aaron Omnibus. Aaron writes most of it (you’ve got some Kieron Gillen crossover issues in there) and there’s an artist rotation of John Cassaday, Stuart Immonen, Leinil Francis Yu, Mike Deodato, Jr., and Salvator Larroca, among others. And when we say “conveniently,” it also includes crossover issues of Darth Vader, Vader Down, Doctor Aphra, The Screaming Citadel and so forth. Saves a lot of reading order headaches, so thumbs up to that.

There is a convenient Star Wars by Kieron Gillen & Salvador Larroca Omnibus, but it’s not sale. (Booo…) It’ll put you back $40. You can pick up their run as volumes 7-11 of the regular Star Wars collections for $3.99@ and it’s effectively half price compared to the omnibus. (And you’ll note there are a couple Greg Pak/Phil Noto volumes in the sale after the Gillen/Larocca run.)

Star Wars by Jason Aaron   Star Wars

Zdarksky’s Event

The Marvel Daredevil Devil’s Reign Sale runs through Monday, 11/21.

And really, this is a Chip Zdarsky Daredevil sale.

The order you want to follow goes like this:

  • Daredevil by Chip Zdarsky: To Heaven Through Hell is what they’re calling the double volumes of his excellent run. And no, the comics aren’t as pretentious as the name it’s been given. Marco Checchetto is the lead artist for this. The through lines of the series are the competing gang interests in Hell’s Kitchen, the saga of Mayor Fisk and insurgencies by some sinister billionaires.
  • Devil’s Reign is the Event mini-series where Mayor Fisk makes his moves, declares super heroes illegal (in a sort of spin on Civil War’s Superhero Registration Act) leaving Hornhead and the heroes of New York City to resist. Let’s be honest… these are really Daredevil issues with guest stars for the purpose of the series. Zdarsky and Checchetto are still the creative team.
  • Daredevil: The Woman Without Fear by Zdarsky and Rafael de Latorre is the adventures of Elektra during Devil’s Reign. Why it’s called this would be mild spoilers territory, though you can probably guess.

The other spin-off minis are purely optional.

Daredevil   Devil's Reign   Daredevil: The Woman Without Fear

The Merc with the… Discounts?

The Marvel Deadpool Massive Sale runs through Monday 11/14.

And yes, there’s a LOT here. Let’s hit the highlights of the longer running series:

  • Deadpool Classic – Starting at the beginning, it’s something of a catch-all series of collections
  • Cable & Deadpool (’04-’08) – Most associated with Fabian Nicieza and Patrick Zircher
  • Deadpool (’08-’12) – The Daniel Way era
  • Deadpool (’12-’15) – The Brian Posehn/Gerry Duggan era
  • Deadpool (’18-’19) – Skottie Young / Nic Klein

Deadpool by Posehn and Duggan   Deadpool by Joe Kelly   Deadpool & Cable

The Baby Cart Assassin

The Dark Horse Digital Manga 2022 Sale runs through Monday, 11/26.

We highly recommend Lone Wolf and Cub by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima. The Shogun’s executioner’s family is killed and the executioner framed for treason. He escapes with his infant son and undertakes work as an assassin while biding his time to gain revenge on those who plotted against him.

Lone Wolf and Cub

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Still On Sale