Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Marvel Cosmic; DC’s Milestone Team; Spider-Woman; Resident Alien; Richard Corben

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Marvel discounts their cosmic titles. DC cuts prices for the Milestone Team; Dark Horse highlights Resident Alien and Richard Corben.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

All McDuffie, All the Time

Justice League  Hardware  Lobo

The DC Team Milestone Sale runs through Monday, 2/3.

You may notice that there’s a lot of Dwayne McDuffie material on sale, which is always a good thing. Some McDuffie books we like:

The Justice League of America run (despite his issues with editorial): The Injustice League, Sanctuary, The Second Coming, and When Worlds Collide w/Ed Benes (and Alan Burnett).

We also think extremely highly of Hardware: The Man in the Machine w/ Denys Cowan and JJ Birch, which is pretty much how intellectual property worked in the tech industry in the early 90s.

Some interesting books by other people:

  • Batman: Second Chances – Max Allan Collins / Dave Cockrum; Jim Starlin / Jim Aparo; The Collins run and revamping of Jason Todd and the beginning of the Starlin/Aparo run
  • Deathstroke (’16) – Christopher Priest / Carlo Pagulayan / Diogenes Neves; A dark and psychological take… and definitely a lead who’s a villain, not an anti-hero
  • Lobo by Keith Giffen & Alan Grant Vol. 1 – Keith Giffen / Alan Grant / Simon Bisley; The over-top exploits of The Main Man from the early 90s.

If you haven’t had a look at the DC Start Here sale, that’s still running through Monday and has lots of bargains.

Cosmic Slop

The Marvel Cosmic Sale runs through Tuesday, 2/4.

This is, after a fashion, a convergence of smaller sales as we follow the thread of cosmic tales and characters through Marvel. The threads weave in and out, but for the sake of easy processing, let’s look at them this way:

The Marvel World of Jim Starlin
Warlock Rebirth of Thanos

Jim Starlin defined “cosmic” for Marvel in the 70s and then returned in the late 80s to revive it (and his signature villain, Thanos) in the run-up to The Infinity Gauntlet, after which things kinda blew up.

Starlin’s Captain Marvel is missing, but Warlock by Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection is available on the cheap. It’s highly recommended and a foundational work for a lot of what is to come.

The lack of Epic Collections hampers the availability of Starlin’s Silver Surfer run in this sale, but The Rebirth of Thanos w/ Ron Lim, which sets up The Infinity Gauntlet is included.

Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer: Parable Silver Surfer: Requiem Silver Surfer

Most of the “classic” Surfer runs are missing with the lack of Epics and Masterworks in the sale

Original Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers   Guardians of the Galaxy by Jim Valentino

No, not like the movies or spinning out of Annihilation (we’ll get to that in a bit), this was a super team in the future that occasionally returned to our present. They weren’t created by Steve Gerber, but he built them up in Defenders and then Marvel Presents before moving on.

Honestly, this is our preferred GoG. The originals are solid. The Valentino run is a trip (and seems like it must’ve been an influence on Bendis when he rebooted Legion of Super-Heroes). Very different from what came later, though.


Nova Classic   Nova by Abnett & Lanning

High school student Richard Rider becomes a centurion of the Nova Corps and tries to figure out his powers in the initial run. By the time DnA get ahold of the character, he’s a veteran and the road to Annihilation has begun.

  • Nova (1976-78) – The original Marv Wolfman/John Buscema/Sal Buscema/Carmine Infantino run
  • Nova (2007-10) – The Dan Abnett/Andy Lanning/Paul Pelletier/Kev Walker/Andrea di Vito era – the Complete Collection is the better deal.
  • Nova (2013-15) – Gerry Duggan / Paco Medina was probably the longest tenured creative team of this volume.
  • Nova: Resurrection (2015) – Jeff Loveness / Ramon Perez
  • Nova: The Human Rocket (2015-16) – Sean Ryan / Cory Smith / John Timms

What’s good here?  We’d go with the original run or the DnA run (complete with a space station carved out of a Celestial’s head – yes, the concept predates Avengers Mountain).



Annihilation was a crossover Event for Marvel’s fledging “cosmic” line in which Annihilus mounted a deadly invasion from the Negative Zone. It struck a nerve.

Annihilation is the first series of mini-series.

Annihilation: Conquest is the sequel as Ultron and the Phalanx make their move.  This leads into the formation of the new Guardians of the Galaxy.

Annihilation: Scourge is 2019 entry in the series.

New Guardians of the Galaxy (The DnA cast or movie version if you must)

Guardians of the Galaxy   Guardians of the Galaxy

We LOVED the final Ewing/Cabal series, which ends with “The Final Annihilation.” And if you liked Nova and the Annihilation Events, the DnA run is the continuation of that format. The ’23 version of GoG is indisputably the Kev Walker show.

Eensy Weensy

 Spider-Woman  Spider-Woman

The Marvel Spider-Woman Sale runs through Tuesday, 2/4

Last week, we noted a lack of Masterworks in the X-Men sale. This week, in the Cosmic sale. Guess what? Same deal with Spider-Woman, so the ’78-’83 original run is off the table. Is this going to be a trend for ’25? Time will tell.

Unannounced Sales

Resident Alien  Den  Stephen King's the Dark Tower

Resident Alien is a comic by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse about a stranded alien posing as a doctor and solving murders. It got a little more famous when a TV adaptation hit and a lot more famous when the TV show moved over to Netflix. (And will now be moving over to the USA cable network.) We read the first omnibus a few months back and if your point of reference is the TV show, the comic is a little more mystery-oriented. It’s available in

Note: the 7th series is only available as a collected edition at this time.

We’re also seeing an assortment of Richard Corben’s Dark Horse publications on sale:

Also on sale:

The Marvel “Maybe” Sales

Hellverine: Resurrection  Jango Fett

The trend continues. New releases at lower than expected price points and discounted pre-orders. Is this the new normal? We’re not sure, but let’s run them down.

Dropping This Week

Dropping Next Week

  • Ultimates By Deniz Camp Vol. 1: Fix The World – Deniz Camp / Juan Frigeri; While not the cheapest thing listed, we’ve been pretty happy with this dark and twisted world builder. Doom and She-Hulk? Not necessarily what you were expecting. $12.99

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Deadpool, Wolverine, Teen Titans, Ultimate X-Men, Resident Alien, Neil Gaiman and some Unannounced Sales

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Marvel drops sales with Deadpool, Wolverine and Ultimate X-Men / The Ultimates, plus some more of these oddly discounted new releases. DC discounts Teen Titans, plus mysterious price reductions on Superman and Wonder Woman.  And then, Resident Alien and Neil Gaiman sales from Dark Horse.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Oh, look… the Marvel sales came back.

Ghosts of Ultimates Past

Ultimate X-Men  Ultimates Ultimate Comics X-Men

The Marvel Ultimate X-Men and Ultimates Sale runs through Monday, 7/1.

This is effectively two sales in one: the highly influential original Ultimate Universe rebootings of X-Men and Avengers.

Over on the mutant side of the street, the spread looks like this:

The original Ultimate X-Men run has a very interesting writer rotation. Mark Millar begins and ends it. In between are runs by Brian K. Vaughan (Saga / Y – The Last Man) and Robert Kirkman (Walking Dead). The artist rotation includes Adam Kubert, Andy Kubert, Chris Bachalo, David Finch, Brandon Peterson, Stuart Immonen, Tom Raney and Salvador Larocca… among others.

Ultimate Comics X-Men was written first by Nick Spencer and later Brian Wood. Artists included Paco Medina, Carlo Barberi, Mahmud Asrar and Alvaro Martinez.

The Ultimates is a little harder to explain because of how it was rolled out. They treated it as miniseries “seasons.” Suffice it to say, you saw a lot of it’s influence on the Avengers films.

The core material here is the Mike Millar-penned Ultimates material.  His run is:

Ultimates 3 is in the sale, but here at the Tower of Cheap, we like to pretend Jeph Loeb never got involved in the Ultimate universe.

But when the Ultimate Comics relaunch started, Jonathan Hickman turned up to work on The Ultimates and isn’t he a bigger name these days?


Wolverine and the X-Men  All-New Wolverine  

The Marvel Wolverine and the X-Men Sale runs through Monday, 7/8.

This is a fairly unusual mix of various characters using the “Wolverine” code name and some X-Men titles, too. There’s a bit more to the sale, but here’s rundown of the highlights.

  • All-New Wolverine – Tom Taylor / David Lopez / Juan Cabal; A top notch series feature X-23/Lauren Kinney taking on the costume while Logan is “dead.” The best thing to come out of The Death of Wolverine by a wide margin.
  • Marvel Comics Presents – Ever notice they rarely show anything from MCP aside from the Wolverine serials? The first one from Chris Claremont / John Buscema is a lead-in to the original ongoing solo series.
  • Uncanny X-Men – scroll down a bit and you’ll find 16 volumes at $5.99@. From the birth of the new team roughly through Inferno.
  • Wolverine & The X-Men – Jason Aaron / Chris Bachalo / Nick Bradshaw; Logan takes his turn as headmaster
  • Wolverine Legends – Collections of some mini’s and story arcs. V.2 is the excellent “Meltdown” series from Walt Simonson/Louise Simonson/Jon J. Muth/Kent Williams

AARP Titans

New Teen Titans  Silver Age Teen Titans  Teen Titans

The DC Teen Titans 60th Anniversary Sale runs through Monday, 7/1.

Hmmm… perhaps 60 is the new 16?  What’s here? Quite a variety of things, really. Let’s hit some highlights.

“Original” Teen Titans

  • Teen Titans (’66-’78) – Bob Haney / Nick Cardy

“New” Teen Titans

  • New Teen Titans (’80-’88) – Marv Wolfman / George Perez / Jose Luis Garcia Lopez / Eduardo Baretto
  • New Titans (’84-’96) – Wolfman / Tom Grummett

“Post-Wolfman” Teen Titans

  • Teen Titans  (’03-’11) – Geoff Johns / Mike McKone
  • Teen Titans (’11-’14) – Scott Lobell / Brett Booth / Eddy Barrows
  • Teen Titans (’14-’16) – Will Pfeifer / Kenneth Rocafort
  • Teen Titans (’16-’21) – Ben Percy / Adam Glass / Jonboy Meyers / Bernard Chang
  • Titans (’16-’19) – Dan Abnett / Brett Booth
  • Teen Titans: Earth One – Jeff Lemire / Terry & Rachel Dodson

“Kids” Teen Titans

What’s good? The Wolfman / Perez run is still the gold standard (and it’s hard to understate its importance to DC at the time). With the original series, the question is whether you like Bob Haney’s brand of quirk, although Nick Cardy is consistently great.  For something later in the feature, maybe give a look to the Geoff Johns / Mike McKone run. This is one of the things Johns was working on just before he really blew up with Green Lantern.

$20 on Hugh Jackman’s Dignity

Deadpool & Cable  Spider-Man / Deadpool  Deadpool Corps

The Marvel Deadpool Vs. the Marvel Universe Sale runs through Monday, 8/5.

Deadpool has always had a lot of fairly short run titles swapping around at any given time, this is a large and wide collection of those secondary titles. You’ll want to browse yourself, but here are some of the more prominent titles being featured.

The longest running of the set is Deadpool & CableFabian Nicieza and Patrick Zircher being the team most associated with it. Amusingly, the monthly comic was called Cable & Deadpool, but the character popularity has flipped since then.

Spider-Man / Deadpool also ran 50 issues. Joe Kelly / Ed McGuinness was the early creative team with Robbie Thompson / Chris Bachalo tagging in later.

Deadpool Corps maybe of heightened interest with Rob Liefeld joining writing Victor Gischler for it and for… reasons rumored to be in the new film, we suppose…

The Marvel “Maybe” Sales

New X-Men  Hawkeye  Captain Marvel

The trend we noticed last week is still moving forward. New releases at lower than expected price points and discounted pre-orders. Is this the new normal? We’re not sure, but let’s run them down.

Released this week

  • New X-Men Modern Era Epic Collection: E Is For Extinction – Grant Morrison / Frank Quitely / Leinil Francis Yu; $6.99 is definitely a sale price for Epic Collections and we’re astonished the price is still active on it’s debut week.
  • Captain Marvel by Margaret Stohl – Stohl / Ramon Rosanas; Listed 484 pages, this is essentially an Epic Collection. $44.99 list price for print. $24.99 digital list price. As we type this, the “Kindle price” is $10.99.  Not quite as low one of the Deal Page sales, but plenty cheap for the page count on the debut week.

Pre-Order for Next Week

We’re not quite sure what’s going on with these prices, but we’ll give you a heads up if it looks like it’s cheaper than it would normally be.

Unannounced DC Sales?

Wonder Woman New 52   Wonder Woman by Gail Simone  Wonder Woman

We’re a little puzzled by this one. It might be next week’s sale loaded early. It might be remnants of an old sale. We’re not sure, but we’ll give you some links to browse through if you’re curious.

We also saw some Batman prices that looked like what you get when the sale prices are broken, so MAYBE they’re starting to load the sale prices in for a Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman “Trinity” sale next week? Or it could be something else.

Unannounced Resident Alien and Neil Gaiman sales.

Resident Alien Norse Mythology  Neil Gaiman Library

Over at Dark Horse, we found two sales.

Resident Alien is a comic by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse about a stranded alien posing as a doctor and solving murders. It got a little more famous when a TV adaptation hit and a lot more famous when the TV show moved over to Netflix. (And will now be moving over to the USA cable network.) We read the first omnibus a few months back and if your point of reference is the TV show, the comic is a little more mystery-oriented. It’s available in

Note: the 7th series is only available as a collected edition at this time.

Over on the Gaiman side of things, there are a couple flavors – New comics material by Gaiman and adaptions of his prose work. P. Craig Russell is involved with much of the adapted work and check to see if a series is in the Neil Gaiman Library collections, because several are.

For original material,

  • Signal to Noise – Gaiman / Dave McKean
  • Mister X: The Archives – An explanation is order. This is a very good SF/noir series by Dean Motter / Los Bros. Hernandez / Ty Templeton (among others), but there’s also a Gaiman / Dave McKean story in it

Adaptions of prose work…

First not in the Gaiman Library editions

Then the Library and the individual titles collected within

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Batman; Spider-Man; Resident Alien

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, DC slashes prices on some newer titles, Marvel discounts Axis and a variety of clone adventures; Dark Horse cuts Resident Alien and Avatar the Last Airbender prices, too.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

But… Epic is a Marvel Brand?

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo Danger Street World's Finest

The DC Epic eBooks Sale runs through Monday, 3/4.

Hard to see a theme here, though there are a few newer titles on sale, some for the first time at a deep discount.

Some annotations:

  • Batman & The Joker: Deadly Duo – Marc Silvestri’s high profile Batman project (we think this is the first discounting)
  • Batman: The Dark Detective – if you’re getting the ’90s Detective collections, there are three more for $3.99:
  • Batman: Earth One: Complete Collection – The Geoff Johns / Gary Frank trilogy in one volume for $5.99. You already know whether you want it.
  • Batman: Gotham by Gaslight – Brian Augustyn / Mike Mignola; The Victorian Batman Elseworlds, which just had an Andy Diggle-helmed sequel announced.
  • Danger Street – Tom King/Jorge Fornés using all the First Issue Special characters in one series, as the high concept. Again, we think this is the first discounting.
  • Far Sector – N.K. Jemisin / Jamal Campbell; Hugo winner! (Without voting shenanigans, either!)
  • Gotham City: Year One – Tom King / Phil Hestor; This is a noir detective story w/ Slam Bradley. And a good noir, too.
  • The Human Target – Tom King / Greg Smallwood. Great title… but is this an Elseworlds, now that the imprint is back?
  • Kamandi by Jack Kirby – The whole Kirby run is now available on the cheap. Think Kirby riffing on Planet of the Apes… but with the entire animal kingdom. Extremely fun title and Kirby’s longest running at DC.
  • Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow – Tom King / Bilquis Evely; James Gunn sure seems to like it!
  • World’s Finest – Mark Waid/Dan Mora show what the old school DC feel is like.

There’s a whole lot more to browse here. Lots of Batman/Superman/Nightwing, too.

Clone Wars… Nothing But Clone Wars

All-New Wolverine  Spider-Man: The Original Clone Saga  Spider-Man: The Complete Clone Saga Epic

The Marvel Clones Sale runs through Monday, 2/26.

Yes, yes… you’re initially thinking Spidey, but our favorite clone series might be the Tom Taylor / David Lopez / Juan Cabal run on All-New Wolverine. You know, the one where Logan’s clone daughter takes up the Wolverine mantel while he’s dead. It’s a very good comic. Astonishingly good when you consider it was almost there as a placeholder after the Death of Wolverine stunt. But what do we always say about Tom Taylor making lemonade? Drink up.

As for Spidey, before there was the “Clone Saga,” there was the original Clone Saga and there’s a couple ways you can get this. The Epic Collection with The Jackal’s initial clone plot by Gerry Conway & Ross Andru and several non-clone related tales as the Len Wein era begins. You can also opt for Spider-Man: The Original Clone Saga which includes that Jackal tale, plus the Bill Mantlo / Jim Mooney arc from Peter Parker that introduces Carrion (and includes Frank Miller’s first Daredevil work), plus some later Gerry Conway/Sal Buscema Carrion appearances.  We’d probably go Clone Saga for Carrion and a few more pages at the same price, but there’s not really a wrong answer there.

As for the 90s Clone Saga.  Again, you have options:

  • The Complete Clone Saga – and that’s a lot of clones
  • The Complete Ben Reilly Epic – because Ben Reilly was Spidey in the aftermath of the Clone Saga
  • Spider-Man: The Real Clone Saga – Years later, Tom DeFalco, Howard Mackie and Todd Nauck get back together to tell the story of Clone Saga with the original ending, before Marvel’s marketing department decided the storyline needed to be extended.

There’s a bit more to it, but we’d call those the highlights.

OK Axis, Here We Come

Uncanny Avengers Access Prelude  Avengers & X-Men: Axis

The Marvel Axis Sale runs through Monday, 2/26.

What’s Axis? It was an Avengers / X-Men team-up event spinning out of Uncanny Avengers and dealing with the (then) ongoing situation of the Red Skull stealing Xavier’s powers and becoming Onslaught.

The run-up to the Event, Uncanny Avengers: Axis Prelude is probably a little more appropriate here than the usual “Road to” offering.  This is by Rick Remender / Salvador Larroca / Daniel Acuna / Sanford Greene .

The main event is Avengers & X-Men: Axis by Remender /Lienil Francis Yu / Terry Dodson / Jim Cheung.

Grimm Negaband Sale

Grimm Spotlight

The Zenoscope Grimm Spotlight Sale runs through Wednesday,  3/6… but there’s a catch…

Amazon has placed this sale on the same URL as the Media Do Valentine’s Day Fair BL Sale.  (And we’re not sure those sales appeal to the same demographic, either.)  So, whichever one you’re looking for, if you see the other, reload a few times and the sale you seek should eventually appear as you appreciate the attention to detail paid by whoever assigned the URLs!

Incidentally, this is a small sale on – you guessed it – Grimm Spotlight.

Unlisted Dark Horse Sales

Resident Alien  Avatar: The Last Airbender

The know the drill on this – we’re not 100% sure how long these sales are going to last, but the discounts are there.  This time out… TV tie-in sales!

Resident Alien 

This Peter Hogan / Steve Parkhouse comic was around before the TV show. The Omnibus editions are the better buy for V. 1-6; V. 7 needs to be bought as a “regular” volume.

Funny this should go on sale when the first two seasons hit Netflix and the third season hits SyFy.  Must be a coincidence…

Avatar the Last Airbender

The Omnibus editions are the better buy here. And yes, many of them are by the team of Gene Yang and Gurihiru.

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: A Trio of $0.99 Masterworks; Rogue and Gambit; Milestone Media; Resident Alien

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Marvel sneaks some $0.99 Masterworks into their Women of Marvel sale, plus Rogue & Gambit. DC celebrates the anniversary of Milestone Media and Dark Horse discounts their aliens.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

McDuffie & Friends

The DC Milestone 30 Anniversary Sale runs through Monday, 3/6.

Yup, it’s been 30 years since Milestone debuted and we’re just going frame this as a Dwayne McDuffie tribute sale, whether that’s overstating things or not. He got enough grief from DC over the years, we’ll let the spotlight sit on him for a moment.

First, let’s just list out the content involved:

The first thing to say here is that most of the content is cheaper in single issues.  The original Icon and Hardware collected editions are slightly cheaper than single issues, as is the ’11 version of Static Shock. Other than that? Go with the singles. Especially with the current versions.

Favorites? We say start with the originals. McDuffie had a strong hand in most of the launches, though they gave a lot of people a few issues of various titles as it went on. Hardware‘s opening arc is a particular favorite and you get the McDuffie wit with Icon’s conservative nature. And we’ll also say Xombi is conspicuous by its absence.

Hardware   Icon

The Other Kind of X

The Women of Marvel Sale runs through Monday, 4/3.

Yes, this one will run all month. What’s good?

You may recall that Kelly Thompson and Elena Casagrande won an Eisner Award for their Black Widow run? It’s good. It starts out with Natasha getting abducted and then there’s a lot of revenge. We were a little surprised and sad this series wrapped up when it did and we keep expecting it to return in some form.

We have also sung the praises of the Tom Taylor / David Lopez / Marcio Takara / Leonard Kirk All-New Wolverine before and we’ll probably sing it again. Great series that runs the gamut of themes and moods. This is Laura / X-23’s debut as Wolverine (while Logan was “dead”).

Black Widow   All-New Wolverine

Did somebody say $0.99 Masterworks?

Oh, that’s not cheap enough for you? You want $0.99 Masterworks? Ordinarily, we’d say wait until December, but it appears we have some for you. Yes, this is unusual:

The original Carol Danvers Ms. Marvel which was largely written by Chris Claremont (with Gerry Conway starting it). Art by Jim Mooney, John Buscema, Sal Buscema, Carmine Infantino and Dave Cockrum.

The original (Jessica Drew) Spider-Woman. Authors include Marv Wolfman, Mark Gruenwald and Michael Fleisher . Artists include Carmine Infantino and (the beginning of an under-rated run by) Steve Leialoha.

Savage She-Hulk starts out with Stan Lee / John Buscema and then continues with David Anthony Kraft / Mike Vosburg

The first two volumes are $5.99, but Dazzler Masterworks V. 3 is $1.99. It’s largely by Jim Shooter and Frank Springer.

‘Til Death Do Us Discount

The Marvel Rogue and Gambit Sale runs through Monday, 3/6.

The series the best lives up to the sale’s theme is Mr. & Mrs. X by Kelly Thompson, Oscar Bazaldua and David Lopez. That would be Rogue and Gambit, if you missed the wedding.

While Gambit is the newer character, he’s had more exposure in solo titles. Gambit Classic collects the original Uncanny X-Men arc and the early mini’s, including the 1995 Rogue mini-series in V.2.

Gambit: The Complete Collection is the slightly better known 1999 series primarily by Fabian Nicieza / Steve Skroce / Yanick Paquette

Mr. and Mrs. X   Gambit Classic   Gambit: The Complete Collection

No… The “Other” Aliens

The Dark Horse – Aliens Digital Sale runs through Monday, 3/13.

Let us first pause to comment how jarring it is to see “Dark Horse” and “Aliens” without the film franchise being involved.

This is a media tie-in sale (a DH specialty), but Resident Alien by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse was a comic before it was a TV show.

Resident Alien Omnibus collects the first three volumes.

You can pull V.4-6 here.

And the single issues are $0.99.

Resident Alien

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Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Ultimate Spider-Man; DC’s Golden and Silver Ages; Marvel Villains; Resident Alien

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Marvel lowers prices on Ultimate Spider-Man and their villains; DC slashes the Golden and Silver Ages; Dark Horse discounts Resident Alien.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

The Eensy Weensy Bendis Sale

The Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man Sale runs through Monday, 11/21.

Yes, this essentially one very long Bendis-written run, broken up across two people wearing Spidey’s mask. And for the most part, its a very good run. This sale is easily broken into three parts:

  • Ultimate Spider-Man – essentially, the Peter Parker years. Mark Bagley is artist for most of the run. Skip the omnibus (too expensive for V.1-3 of these larger collections), get the regular editions.
  • Ultimate Comics Spider-Man – with art by Bagley, Pichelli, David Lafuente and Chris Samnee. It’s a relaunch, continuing the Parker years to the <spoilers>
  • Ultimate Comics Spider-Man: Death of Spider-Man Fallout – with art by Bagley and Sara Pichelli. This is the transition to Miles Morales.

Ultimate Spider-Man   Ultimate Comics Spider-Man   Ultimate Comics Spider-Man: Death of Spider-Man Fallout

The Naughty List

The Marvel Villains Sale runs through Monday, 11/21.

This is a potpourri mix of villain-centric titles, but it’s really a decent mix if you sift through it and there are a few things we definitely recommend, the top three of which are:

Doctor Doom by Christopher Cantwell and Salvador Larroca.  A fun and out of left field adventure that finds Doom framed for an at of international terrorism, deposed from the throne of Latveria, on the run and seeking revenge while engaging in an oddly bickering relationship with Kang the Conqueror.  Good comics!

M.O.D.O.K.: Head Games by Patton Oswalt, Jordan Blum and Scott Hepburn was another unexpected delight. You might be expect a farce with Oswald and Blum involved and it is a farce… sometimes. Other times it’s a fairly serious plot and flows between the two moods fluidly. M.O.D.O.K. is concerned he might be losing his mind. He’s seeing things. Like a wife and little M.O.D.O.K.s. And he’s trying to figure out what’s gone wrong and how to fix it, which will lead to encounters with Iron Man, Gwenpool and his maker.

And even further up the farce scale is Superior Foes of Spider-Man by Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber. Boomerang has got the gang back together and he’s looking for a big score. things go off the rails in the most entertaining ways…

(If you’re looking for something a bit more serious and enjoy 70s Marvel, you could a lot worse than Super-Villain Team-Up, which is essentially Doctor Doom and Namor butting heads for the bulk of the run.)

Doctor Doom   M.O.D.O.K.: Head Games   Superior Foes of Spider-Man

DC’s Other Metals

The DC Golden Age and Silver Age Sale runs through Monday, 11/21.

And by “Golden Age and Silver Age,” they really mean the reprints with that in the title. In general, these tend to be high page count volumes. They vary a little from volume to volume, but it’s usually good bang for your buck, particularly the lower priced editions.

There’s also a selection of $0.99 single issues mostly corresponding to the collected editions, but usually extending a little past what’s in the book versions. If you go to the single issues listing, you’ll see not everything is on sale, just sections.

So let’s break this down by title:

What’s good here? We’ve always thought Doom Patrol was one of DC’s stronger Silver Age offerings, and its hard to undersell the deep weirdness of the original Wonder Woman comics… but let’s talk about the some of those ’40s single issues, which have a slight different appeal. There’s that Alfred Bester Green Lantern.  Past that Detective Comics and Sensation Comics were originally anthologies, so if you dip into the single issues, there are other features in them. Depending on the exact issue, Detective will have The Crimson Avenger, Slam Bradley, The Boy Commandos (some of it by Simon & Kirby) and Airwave. Sensation will have Mr. Terrific, Wildcat, Black Pirate and Gay Ghost. You need to check the individual issues, because lineups swap and some of them only reprint the Batman or Wonder Woman lead.

Green Lantern   Detective   Sensation Comics

Let’s See That Passport

The Dark Horse Resident Alien Sale runs through Monday, 11/28.

This would be the Peter Hogan / Steve Parkhouse series about a stranded alien hiding out as a small-town doctor. It’s better known as a TV series on Syfy.

At $4.99, the Resident Alien Omnibus V.1 is a good deal. It collects the first three “regular” collected edition. Speaking of which, while they’re not yet in an omnibus, V.4-6 of the “regular” collections are also on sale for $4.99 to underscore that the omnibus is a good deal.  Single issues are $0.99.

Resident Alien

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Still On Sale

Comixology Sales: Hickman X-Men, 50% off Kodansha for CU, The Boys, Harley Quinn, Resident Alien

This week’s Comixology Sales include the Dawn of Hickman’s X-Men ear, Harley Quinn, 50% off Kodansha for CU subscribers, The Boys and an outbreak of spies at Dark Horse.

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn commission.)

Dawn of Hickman

The Marvel X-Men: Dawn of X Sale runs through Sunday, 4/25.

This is the current Jonathan Hickman curated X-era, which is a pretty  good era. The sale is with the individual series collected editions and single issues, not the Dawn of X collections, which might be a better way to read the material as a line.

Everything starts out with House of X / Powers of X, the dual limited series that set up the premise. That’s by Hickman, Pepe Larraz and R.B. Silva.

X-Men by Jonathan Hickman is the flagship title, written by Hickman with Leinil Francis Yu. A lot of the plots flow through the main book (though sometimes the threads are picked up in the sundry titles).

Hellions by Zeb Wells is a newer addition to the line and its more self-contained than some of the other titles. Wells and Stephen Segovia craft a (very) darkly humorous tale of Mister Sinister tasking Psylocke with running a team of the more… damaged mutants so that they can take out their frustrations, aggressions and murderous instincts on appropriate targets. It’s nice to see Wells back in comics.

House of X / Powers of X   X-Men by Jonathan Hickman   Hellions by Zeb Wells

It’s like there was movie coming out…

The DC Harley Quinn & Suicide Squad Sale runs through Monday, 4/26.

If you’re itching for Harley Quinn, there’s a lot here, but (with Mad Love not here) we’d point to the ’13-’16 Harley Quinn series written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti with Chad Hardin as the primary artist.  Conner & Palmiotti pop in and out of Harley all the time for several years and have a nice, absurdist take on the character, poke around and you’ll find a lot more of it.

For Suicide Squad… well, truth be told, we’re waiting for the Tom Taylor run to be collected next week. We’ve heard good things about it and Taylor’s reliable. Until such a time as we read that, we say you need to start with the classics – the John Ostrander/Luke McDonnell run.

Harley Quinn   Suicide Squad

Half Off Kodansha

There’s another sale for Comixology Unlimited Subscribers. This week it’s 50% off Kodansha comics. Yes, the discounts are stackable, so you can get functional discounts of 70%+ if something’s already on sale.

And yes, the preorders are 50% off, too. Here’s the release date view – you can move the weeks forward and preorder about a month out.

This runs through 11PM ET on Sunday, 4/25.

Attack on Titan

Cloak & Lobster

The Dark Horse Spy Sale runs through Monday, 4/26.

This is an eclectic sale, not all of which we’d necessarily put under the spy heading, but there’s some fun stuff here.

We love Lobster Johnson and we suppose it does frequently involve Nazi spies. This is a Hellboy spin-off pulp style 30’s/40’s adventurer written by Mike Mignola and John Arcudi with Tonci Zonjic being the most regular artist. Sometimes it’s a “serious” pulp and sometimes the tongue is firmly planted in cheek, but it’s always entertaining.

You may have seen Resident Alien on Syfy Channel. It was a comic by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse before it was a TV show. The omnibus is the better buy here (collects V. 1-3 of the regular collections).

And speaking of media adaptions, for a more direct spies and assassins tale (this one being adapted by Netflix), there’s always Polar by Victor Santos.

Lobster Johnson   Resident Alien   Polar

Boys, What a Sale

The  Dynamite Garth Ennis Sale runs through Monday, 5/3.

The Boys is the series most associated with Ennis at Dynamite. With art by Darick Robertson, John McCrea and Russ Braun, it’s a violent, filthy satire of superheroes with a heart. Lots of people have seen the Amazon streaming adaption, which takes off on a slightly different vector.

You’ll also note at the very end of The Boys single issues, you’ll find The Boys: Dear Becky issues on sale for $0.99 each.  That’s the follow up mini-series by Ennis and Braun.

Also on sale is Battlefieldsa series where Ennis tells a range of war stories. And Ennis telling a war story is something you already know whether you like or not.  The “Complete Editions” are the better buys, except for V. 1, where it’s slightly cheaper to get the individual collections.

The Boys  The Boys: Dear Becky   Battlefields

Still On Sale