Looking for some Comixology sales? Welcome to the holiday sale season. All these new sales are running into January, too. $0.99 Marvel Masterworks are good and Cheap. DC, IDW and Dynamite are also catering to your discount needs. Many of these sales are “linewide,” which means pretty much everything is on sale from those publishers. Been waiting for something to go on sale? It’s probably there.
(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn commission.)
Marvel gets CHEAP
Do you like classic Marvel? If so you will LOVE the Marvel Masterworks sale (Amazon link) and might not get any further than this. Volume 1’s are $0.99 and the rest are $1.99. The page counts are always good and sometimes GREAT and you can’t beat the price.
The best buy here, and maybe the best buy on all of Comixology, is probably Black Panther Masterworks V. 1. That’s the entire Jungle Action run written by Don McGregor with art by Billy Graham, Rich Buckler and Gil Kane. A truly excellent run that established a LOT of the character’s cast, especially Killmonger. 330 pages of excellence for $0.99? If you haven’t tried it, this is the time.
You want a LOT of pages for your 99 cents? Check out Killraven (AKA War of the Worlds). This post-apocalyptic band of freedom fighters throwing off the Martian yoke clocks in at 471 pages. A lot of creators were involved with this, but it’s fondly remembered as a Don McGregor/P. Craig Russell feature. And yes, it includes the graphic novel.
For something a little more off the radar, everyone remembers Jim Starlin’s Captain Marvel run. It was the first round with Thanos. Hardly anyone remembers that Steve Englehart and Al Milgrom had an enjoyable run right after Starlin. That would be Captain Marvel Masterworks V. 4 and can be yours for a lousy $1.99 (V. 3 is the main Starlin run and grab that one if you haven’t read it.)

Head to the main link for an extended browse. There’s a lot of very cheap classic comics and you don’t need me to tell you about Avengers and X-Men. I will say that Doctor Strange is pretty solid the whole way through and if you like Golden Age Marvel and Atlas-era Marvel, pay close attention to the final two sections on the page.
Next up, we have the Marvel “Greatest Runs” sale. Yes, it sounds like they need more fiber, but there are some superior deals here, too.
We’ve always been big fans of the Matt Fraction / Salvador Larroca run of Invincible Iron Man and the whole run is alternating $2.99 and $1.99 per volume. Great prices.
Mark Waid’s superlative Daredevil run gets the omnibus treatment at $3.99 a pop. This one starts out with Marcos Martin and Paolo Rivera as the main artists and then settles into Chris Samnee as the lead for the duration. It probably falls into the modern classic category.
Immortal Iron Fist is an incredibly fun series that’s collected in 2 omnibuses. Volume 1 (482 pages) is primarily written by Ed Brubaker & Matt Fraction and primarily drawn by David Aja. Volume 2 (474 pages) is primarily written by Duane Swierczynski and drawn by the criminally under-rated Travel Foreman. Yes, you’ll want both volumes and you’ll probably want more Fat Cobra, too.

DC’s Holiday Sales
DC has a couple different sales conveniently located on one page. And really, this one looks a lot like the Black Friday sale.
First up is a Wonder Woman sale… with 69 items! <eye roll> Yes, DC… we see what you did there. </eye roll>
For Wonder Woman, you can click here and two classic runs begin and end the Omnibus section. Wonder Woman by George Perez is the post-Crisis rebirth and actually wraps up with the War of the Gods volume. Towards the end of the Perez run, you get some early Jill Thompson art, too. That run really set the table for modern Wonder Woman. At the end of the section is Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka, which is also an absolutely fantastic run.

For the general graphic novel sale — and this is linewide, so while almost everything is there, here are a some ideas of things that might not immediately jump out:
Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra is getting a TV show pretty soon and it’s a great series. Make sure you scroll to the Omnibus section — they’re same price as the “regular” collections, so double up the page count!
Swamp Thing: The Bronze Age Vol. 1 is the original Len Wein/Bernie Wrightson run. There’s a reason it’s a classic and it’s well worth your time.
We were always fans of Paul Levitz’s Doctor Fate and it sure didn’t hurt our feelings that Sonny Liew drew most of it. Killer creators and an interesting way to get back to Fate’s Egyptian roots.

DC’s sales are running through Monday, 1/4.
Dynamite’s Holiday Sale
The Dynamite Linewide Sale comes in three parts: Graphic Novels and then single issues broken up into A-P, P-W and W-Z. (Amazon link) It pretty much is the entire line. When you’re looking at the graphic novels, remember that the majority of single issues are $0.99, so 6 single issues = $5.94. Be pure, be vigilant, be cheap!
As for what we’d draw your eye to, three things come to mind as we flip through the pages. Howard Chaykin’s American Flagg! is a hugely influential science fiction series with liberal does of satire.
The Shadow Masters Series is the absurdist and subversive take on The Shadow from the late ’80s by Andy Helfer, Bill Sienkiewicz and Kyle Baker (with a an extra special appearance by Marshall Rogers that almost defies description… old vendettas, children acting out and a nurse who used to be a professional wrestler. It’s really something else.
Here at the Tower of Cheap, we’ve been waiting… and waiting… on the collected edition of the Christopher Priest/Ergün Gündüz Vampirella run and it keeps getting pushed back. We keep hearing good things and the ever-reliable Priest on Vampi is so counter-intuitive, it’s probably worth it. Guess what? The single issues are (mostly) $0.99 if you want to get a jump on the collections.
This sale runs through Monday 1/4.

IDW Holiday Sale
The IDW Linewide Sale is broken into SIX parts: Graphic Novels I, Graphic Novels II and then single issues I, II, III and IV. (Amazon link) Which is to say, a whole lot o’ stuff. What might we point you at the might otherwise slip your mind?
Bloom County: The Complete Library – A classic comic strip by a classic cartoonist. Essentially, the whole archive is on sale.
Like Walt Simonson’s Thor? Then you need to check out Ragnarok. Valhalla has fallen and the survivors of the realm are picking up the pieces. Although not everyone who survived is necessarily alive. Walt returns to the Norse mythos and it’s some of his best work. Possibly the best thing IDW’s published.
Richard Stark’s Parker is another contender for the best thing IDW’s published. Darwyn Cooke adapts the crime novels about a professional thief who takes double-crosses extra personal. You might know the source material from the films like Point Blank and Payback.
This sale runs until Tuesday, 1/5.

Still on sale