Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Captain America; DC Team-Ups

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Marvel has discounts on Captain America (Steve Rogers, this time). DC slashes prices on their team-ups (Justice League, Titans, World’s Finest and the like).

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Let’s Fight and Then Team Up!

Batman / Dylan Dog  World's Finest  Titans: Beast World

The DC Team-Ups Sale runs through Monday,  2/24.

Team-ups and team books this week. Some of the prices are lower than usual, too. A few things that caught our eye:

  • Batman/Dylan Dog – Roberto Recchioni / Gigi Cavenago / Werther Dell’Edera; Likely DC’s most under-rated title of ’24. Batman and the Italian comics “nightmare detective” (think a good-natured, scatterbrained Constantine with Groucho Marx for a sidekick) team up to track down the Joker… and the goofy thing works so much better than you’d ever suspect!
  • Batman/Superman: World’s Finest – Mark Waid / Dan Mora; Pretty much our favorite DC series right now, chronicling the early pairings of Clark and Bruce… and sneaking a Kingdom Come prequel into the mix, too
  • Doom Patrol (’64-’68) – Arnold Drake / Bruno Premiani; It’s interesting to look at the original Doom Patrol run and contrast it with the original X-Men. They launched at the same time with Doom Patrol wrapping up perhaps a year and a half earlier. Similar themes that took slightly different paths
  • Doom Patrol (’87-’95) – Grant Morrison / Richard Case; $2.99 double volumes of this delightfully off-kilter run with The Brotherhood of Dada and Danny the Street. We’d consider this Morrison’s breakout title
  • Justice League of America (’87 – ’96) – Keith Giffen / J.M. DeMatteis / Kevin Maguire / Bart Sears; Good prices on the early Bwa Ha Ha JLA / JLI / JLE
  • Justice Society of America (2022-) Vol. 1: The New Golden Age – Geoff Johns / Mikel Janin; On sale just in time for V.2’s much delayed arrival
  • New Teen Titans (’80 – ’88) – Marv Wolfman / George Perez; One of DC’s shining lights in the pre-Crisis ’80s as the Titans reform and a new cast forms around Robin/Nightwing, Wonder Girl and Kid Flash
  • Outsiders Vol. 1: Planet of the Bat – Collin Kelly / Jackson Lanzing / Robert Carey; We think this is the first time it’s discounted
  •  Titans: Beast World – Tom Taylor / Clayton Henry / Travis Moore; Changeling gets a little out of control stopping the attack of the Necrostar… but who’s pulling the strings? (Besides Dr. Hate?) The ’23 crossover Event that’s setting up the next one
  • World’s Finest (’12 – ’15) – Paul Levitz / George Perez / Kevin Maguire; Something that was largely overlooked during the New 52 relaunch and you’ll likely know if you’re interested by the creators. Power Girl and Huntress from Earth-2 land on the New 52 version of Earth. Parallel tracks show how they got here and what they’re now doing.

Super Soldier Sale

Captain America: Secret Empire  Captain America Heroes Return  Captain America

The Marvel Captain America Legacy Sale runs through Monday, 2/24.

There’s a lot of material to cover here, so we’ll go with the usual format and start by breaking out the major series involved. Note: we’re again seeing the Masterworks and Epic Collections removed from a legacy sale, so you’re going to need to scroll down more on the first link to see the sale books.

  • Captain America ’68-’96 – The original Silver/Bronze Age solo series.
  • Captain America ’98-’02 – The second Mark Waid / Ron Garney run with some Andy Kubert and Lee Weeks art, too. Smaller volumes here, plus the underrated Dan Jurgens run that followed.
  • Captain America ’02-’04 – The Marvel Knights era
  • Captain America ’04-’11 – The main Winter Soldier/Death of Captain America Ed Brubaker run with Steve Epting, Michael Lark, Mike Perkins and Butch Guice in the artistic rotation. Note: you can pick up chunks of it cheaper in these omnibuses
  • Captain America: Reborn – The actual end to the “Death of Captain America” sequence by Ed Brubaker, Bryan Hitch and Butch Guice
  • Captain America ’11-’12 – Brubaker sticks around for a relaunch, post-Death/Reborn
  • Captain America ’12-’14 is the Rick Remender run with John Romita, Jr, Carlos Pacheco, Pascal Alixe and Nic Klein in the artistic rotation.
  • All-New Captain America ’14-’15 – Sam Wilson picks up the shield by Rick Remender and Stuart Immonen
  • Captain America: Sam Wilson ’15-17 – Nick Spencer with Daniel Acuna as the primary artist. The seeds of “Secret Empire,” which was a long game, start here. Note: There’s a Complete Collection omnibus set of the Sam Wilson material that’s a bit cheaper.
  • Captain America: Steve Rogers ’16-’17 – The main runup to Secret Empire by Nick Spencer with Jesus Saiz and Javier Pina as the primary artists.
  • While not on sale, you can’t talk about the Spencer era without mentioning Secret Empire, the controversial “Hydra Cap” arc that Spencer’s entire run builds towards.
  • Captain America ’17-’18 – AKA Captain America by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee (and Leonardo Romero)
  • Captain America18-’21 – The Ta-Nehisi Coates run with art by Leinil Francis Yu, Adam Kubert, Jason Masters and Leonard Kirk. Save a couple bucks with the 2 omnibuses.
  • Captain America: Symbol of Truth ’22-’23 – Tochi Onyebuchi and R. B. Silva on the Sam Wilson Captain America
  • Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty ’22-’23 – Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing and Carmen Carnero on the Steve Rogers Captain America
  • Captain America: Cold War (’23) – Endcap collections as the Symbol of Truth and Sentinel of Liberty stories collide in a crossover.

Things we recommend:

From the first run, there are two collections of the legendary Steve Englehart / Sal Buscema / Frank Robbins run from the early ’70s: Captain America and The Falcon: Secret Empire and Captain America and The Falcon: Nomad. In the first, Cap tracks a conspiracy/coup attempt to the highest levels of government. In the second, a disillusioned Steve Rogers sets down the shield and attempts to take some time off… you can guess how successful he is at that.

Captain America: War And Remembrance: War & Remembrance is the all-too short Roger Stern / John Byrne pairing on the title, which includes the famous Captain America for president issue and the return of Baron Blood (from The Invaders).

Captain America: The Captain by Mark Gruenwald / Kieron Dwyer is the arc where the government takes the shield away from Steve Rogers and gives it to former Super-Patriot and future US Agent, John Walker.

Captain America: Operation Rebirth ends this series with the first Mark Waid / Ron Garney arc before Cap is handed over to Image in Heroes Reborn.

Click here for the second Waid/Garney that resumed as soon as the Image experiment ended.

And then follow the Ed Brubaker-marked links above for an excellent extended arc that plays the long game and was the basis for the Winter Soldier film.

Unannounced Sales

Cyberpunk 2077  Eltingville Club The Hunger and the Dusk

Looks like there’s an unannounced sale on Dark Horse’s Cyberpunk 2077. A video game adaptation with an interesting award to its credit.

The first four collections can be found here.

After which, the property went to the album format Dark Horse sometimes uses for titles with a higher bookstore profile, which are listed with the single issues:

Or save a little with the Cyberpunk 2077 Library Edition Volume 1, which collects 3 volumes.

Big City Dreams was the 2023 Hugo Award winner for Best Graphic Story or Comic. And there you have it.

The Dark Horse works (some of them technically Slave Labor material from back in the day) of Evan Dorkin are also on sale:

Also on sale:

The Marvel “Maybe” Sales

X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse  Incredible Hulk  Venom

The trend continues. New releases at lower than expected price points and discounted pre-orders. Is this the new normal? We’re not sure, but let’s run them down.

Dropping This Week

Dropping Next Week

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Black Friday Sales Part 2 – DC’s $1.99 Collected Editions(!); Star Wars; The Orville

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, it’s more Black Friday Sales as DC has a ridiculous amount of great comics for $1.99 – $2.99. Plus, Dark Horse discounts Star Wars and The Orville.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Earlier in the week, we looked at the Marvel Black Friday Sales. Given the holiday, we’re back a little bit earlier than usual to look at DC and Dark Horse. Take your time and browse this through the weekend. You will want to have a close look at the DC sale.

DC Gets CHEAP for the Holidays

The DC Black Friday Sale runs through Monday, 11/27.

$1.99 collected editions cheap enough for you? Including some double volumes. How about 5226 issues per volume, ~570 pages & ~600 pages for $2.99 each. That’s cheap, all right.

We’ll be breaking format and just going down the list with some quick annotations. There is a LOT we like here for the prices and/or think is notable.  Not as much Batman/Superman… but that sale was last week. You’ll also note this only goes from A-J. We expect L-Z will follow.

Without further adieu:

  • 100 Bullets – Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso spin a tale about the intersection of revenge, crime and espionage. A classic from Vertigo. Double volumes for $1.99? Yup.
  • 52 – Grant Morrison, Mark Waid, Greg Rucka, Geoff Johns and Keith Giffen got together to produce a weekly comic that spanned the DC universe for a year. 52 issues, 2 volumes (collecting 26 issues each) for $2.99/volume.
  • All-Star Superman – Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely write a love letter to Silver Age Superman tales. A classic we hear James Gunn is a big fan of. All 12 issues for $1.99
  • Batman and Robin – The Grant Morrison / Frank Quitely / Cameron Stewart / Frazier Irving material
  • Batman/Spawn – both of the 90s crossovers for $1.99
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum – The Grant Morrison / Dave McKean classic for $1.99
  • Camelot 3000 – Mike W. Barr / Brian Bolland – King Arthur returns to repel an alien invasion… as was foretold. ~300 pages / $1.99
  • Challengers of the Unknown – Jack Kirby’s late ’50s, pre-Marvel SF/F adventurer team. Not quite superheroes, but you’ll be shocked how Fantastic Four it feels. ~300 pages / $1.99
  • Clean Room – A lesser-known Gail Simone / Jon Davis-Hunt horror tale from Vertigo
  • Creature Commandos – soon to be an animated series, these are the originals
  • The Scott Snyder / Greg Capullo “Metal” crossover Events:
  • DC: The New Frontier: Darwyn Cooke’s must-read classic about the dawn of the Silver Age characters
  • Deadman – Collecting the appearance from Neal Adams in Strange Adventures through the ’80s mini-series.
  • Dial H – The China Mieville / Alberto Ponticelli / Mateus Santolouco “weird fiction” take on the dial that gives it’s wearer new powers each time. A bizarre delight. ~400 pages / $2.99
  • The Doomsday Clock – The Geoff Johns / Gary Frank crossover Event that brought Watchmen into the DC Universe. 455 pages/$2.99
  • Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepus Chronicles – Mark Russell’s and Mike Feehan’s dark satire casts the cartoon character as a gay playwright facing off against the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s. No, really. It’s good.
  • Fables – Bill Willingham’s / (mostly) Mark Buckingham’s series about the characters from fairy tales hiding out in New York City as refuges after their worlds have been conquered. A classic.
  • Far Sector N.K. Jemisin / Jamal Campbell take a new Green Lantern to the edge of the universe to solve a mystery. Absolutely wonderful book. ~300 pages / $1.99 – no excuses
  • Final Crisis – The celebrated crossover Event by Grant Morrison / J.G. Jones / Doug Mahnke / Carlos Pacheco. 456 pages / $1.99 (!)
  • The Flash (’87 – ’09) – $1.99/$2.99 omnibuses of the Mark Waid run. Watch to see if the Geoff Johns volumes prices get better in a couple days…
  • The Flash: The Silver Age – The early stories, ~400 pages / $1.99
  • Gotham Central – Ed Brubaker / Greg Rucka / Michael Lark / Stefano Gaudiano / Jason Alexander / Kano – The Gotham PD handles things without Batman. EXCELLENT series and $1.99 for double volumes. Just get it.
  • Grayson – The Tim Seeley / (early) Tom King / Mikel Janin series with Dick Grayson as a spy/double agent
  • Green Lantern (’60 – ’86)
  • Green Lantern (’05 – ’11) – The Geoff Johns run… and this is more complicated than is should be, but it really is an excellent run.
  • Hard Time: The Complete Series – Steve Gerber / Mary Skrenes / Brian Hurtt in a criminally below the radar of super powered teen who gets (shafted) sent to prison. 458 pages / $2.99
  • Hardware: The Man in the Machine -Dwayne McDuffie and Denys Cowan gave this Milestone book a great opening arc.
  • Hitman – The Garth Ennis / John McCrae bloody farce
  • Infinite Frontier – The crossover Event. 392 pages / $1.99
  • Jack of Fables – The Bill Willingham / Lilah Sturges/ Tony Akins / Russ Braun Fables companion book. (i.e., fun) – 16 issues/volume – $2.99
  • JLA (’97-’06) – Starts with the Grant Morrison/Howard Porter Justice League run. Then some Mark Waid, Joe Kelly… even Chris Claremont / John Byrne. Double volumes for the most part / $1.99
  • Jonah Hex: Shadows West – All of the Joe R. Lansdale / Tim Truman horror take on Jonah Hex for $1.99. Great stuff that started a lawsuit!

But that’s just our take on the highlights. At these prices, you should have a scroll through the sale yourself between now and Monday.

All-Star Superman   Far Sector   Gotham Central

Nothing But Star Wars

The Dark Horse 2023 Star Wars Digital Sale runs through Monday, 12/25.

That’s right Dark Horse has Star Wars again. They have the YA license. Rule of thumb with this sale: the $0.99 single issues are cheaper than the collected editions when available.  What’s in this sale?

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures   Star Wars Hyperspace Stories    Star Wars: Tales from the Rancor Pit

It Only Looks Like Star Trek

The  Dark Horse 2023 The Orville-Space Job Digital Sale runs through Monday, 12/18.

Again, you want the $0.99 single issues here for maximum cheap.

The Orville   Space Job

Enjoy the holiday and we’ll be back next week.

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Still on Sale