Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Marvel Cosmic; DC’s Milestone Team; Spider-Woman; Resident Alien; Richard Corben

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, Marvel discounts their cosmic titles. DC cuts prices for the Milestone Team; Dark Horse highlights Resident Alien and Richard Corben.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

All McDuffie, All the Time

Justice League  Hardware  Lobo

The DC Team Milestone Sale runs through Monday, 2/3.

You may notice that there’s a lot of Dwayne McDuffie material on sale, which is always a good thing. Some McDuffie books we like:

The Justice League of America run (despite his issues with editorial): The Injustice League, Sanctuary, The Second Coming, and When Worlds Collide w/Ed Benes (and Alan Burnett).

We also think extremely highly of Hardware: The Man in the Machine w/ Denys Cowan and JJ Birch, which is pretty much how intellectual property worked in the tech industry in the early 90s.

Some interesting books by other people:

  • Batman: Second Chances – Max Allan Collins / Dave Cockrum; Jim Starlin / Jim Aparo; The Collins run and revamping of Jason Todd and the beginning of the Starlin/Aparo run
  • Deathstroke (’16) – Christopher Priest / Carlo Pagulayan / Diogenes Neves; A dark and psychological take… and definitely a lead who’s a villain, not an anti-hero
  • Lobo by Keith Giffen & Alan Grant Vol. 1 – Keith Giffen / Alan Grant / Simon Bisley; The over-top exploits of The Main Man from the early 90s.

If you haven’t had a look at the DC Start Here sale, that’s still running through Monday and has lots of bargains.

Cosmic Slop

The Marvel Cosmic Sale runs through Tuesday, 2/4.

This is, after a fashion, a convergence of smaller sales as we follow the thread of cosmic tales and characters through Marvel. The threads weave in and out, but for the sake of easy processing, let’s look at them this way:

The Marvel World of Jim Starlin
Warlock Rebirth of Thanos

Jim Starlin defined “cosmic” for Marvel in the 70s and then returned in the late 80s to revive it (and his signature villain, Thanos) in the run-up to The Infinity Gauntlet, after which things kinda blew up.

Starlin’s Captain Marvel is missing, but Warlock by Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection is available on the cheap. It’s highly recommended and a foundational work for a lot of what is to come.

The lack of Epic Collections hampers the availability of Starlin’s Silver Surfer run in this sale, but The Rebirth of Thanos w/ Ron Lim, which sets up The Infinity Gauntlet is included.

Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer: Parable Silver Surfer: Requiem Silver Surfer

Most of the “classic” Surfer runs are missing with the lack of Epics and Masterworks in the sale

Original Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers   Guardians of the Galaxy by Jim Valentino

No, not like the movies or spinning out of Annihilation (we’ll get to that in a bit), this was a super team in the future that occasionally returned to our present. They weren’t created by Steve Gerber, but he built them up in Defenders and then Marvel Presents before moving on.

Honestly, this is our preferred GoG. The originals are solid. The Valentino run is a trip (and seems like it must’ve been an influence on Bendis when he rebooted Legion of Super-Heroes). Very different from what came later, though.


Nova Classic   Nova by Abnett & Lanning

High school student Richard Rider becomes a centurion of the Nova Corps and tries to figure out his powers in the initial run. By the time DnA get ahold of the character, he’s a veteran and the road to Annihilation has begun.

  • Nova (1976-78) – The original Marv Wolfman/John Buscema/Sal Buscema/Carmine Infantino run
  • Nova (2007-10) – The Dan Abnett/Andy Lanning/Paul Pelletier/Kev Walker/Andrea di Vito era – the Complete Collection is the better deal.
  • Nova (2013-15) – Gerry Duggan / Paco Medina was probably the longest tenured creative team of this volume.
  • Nova: Resurrection (2015) – Jeff Loveness / Ramon Perez
  • Nova: The Human Rocket (2015-16) – Sean Ryan / Cory Smith / John Timms

What’s good here?  We’d go with the original run or the DnA run (complete with a space station carved out of a Celestial’s head – yes, the concept predates Avengers Mountain).



Annihilation was a crossover Event for Marvel’s fledging “cosmic” line in which Annihilus mounted a deadly invasion from the Negative Zone. It struck a nerve.

Annihilation is the first series of mini-series.

Annihilation: Conquest is the sequel as Ultron and the Phalanx make their move.  This leads into the formation of the new Guardians of the Galaxy.

Annihilation: Scourge is 2019 entry in the series.

New Guardians of the Galaxy (The DnA cast or movie version if you must)

Guardians of the Galaxy   Guardians of the Galaxy

We LOVED the final Ewing/Cabal series, which ends with “The Final Annihilation.” And if you liked Nova and the Annihilation Events, the DnA run is the continuation of that format. The ’23 version of GoG is indisputably the Kev Walker show.

Eensy Weensy

 Spider-Woman  Spider-Woman

The Marvel Spider-Woman Sale runs through Tuesday, 2/4

Last week, we noted a lack of Masterworks in the X-Men sale. This week, in the Cosmic sale. Guess what? Same deal with Spider-Woman, so the ’78-’83 original run is off the table. Is this going to be a trend for ’25? Time will tell.

Unannounced Sales

Resident Alien  Den  Stephen King's the Dark Tower

Resident Alien is a comic by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse about a stranded alien posing as a doctor and solving murders. It got a little more famous when a TV adaptation hit and a lot more famous when the TV show moved over to Netflix. (And will now be moving over to the USA cable network.) We read the first omnibus a few months back and if your point of reference is the TV show, the comic is a little more mystery-oriented. It’s available in

Note: the 7th series is only available as a collected edition at this time.

We’re also seeing an assortment of Richard Corben’s Dark Horse publications on sale:

Also on sale:

The Marvel “Maybe” Sales

Hellverine: Resurrection  Jango Fett

The trend continues. New releases at lower than expected price points and discounted pre-orders. Is this the new normal? We’re not sure, but let’s run them down.

Dropping This Week

Dropping Next Week

  • Ultimates By Deniz Camp Vol. 1: Fix The World – Deniz Camp / Juan Frigeri; While not the cheapest thing listed, we’ve been pretty happy with this dark and twisted world builder. Doom and She-Hulk? Not necessarily what you were expecting. $12.99

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales – Batman; Adam Warlock; Fables; Squirrel Girl; Avatar: the Last Airbender

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, DC discounts some Batman and Fables (among others);  Marvel serves up Adam Warlock and Squirrel Girl; Dark Horse slashes prices on The Witcher, Avatar the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra; and Caliber goes line wide.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Bats and Such

The DC Memorial Day Sale runs through Monday, 5/29.

This is one of DC’s thematically unlinked sales… which happens to have some good prices mixed into a 460 item list.

If you like ’80s/early ’90s Batman comics, the Caped Crusader (Batman) and Dark Knight Detective (Detective Comics) collections are $3.99 each, which is less than they’re sometimes offered. You’ll need to scroll down a little in the links, but Caped Crusader will take you from the Starlin/Aparo era through Alan Grant & Norm Breyfogle.  Dark Knight Detective takes you from Mike W. Barr / Alan Davis through Peter Milligan/Jim Aparo.

Also $3.99 each, the “Deluxe” (i.e., larger) edition of Fables by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham. The classic fantasy about the characters of fables and fairy tales fleeing to our world as a despot conquers their worlds.

Batman: The Caped Crusader   Batman: The Dark Knight Detective   Fables

A more recent book, but still at a good price, that’s been getting a little cheap attention is Batman: Killing Time by Tom King and David Marquez for $3.99.

Batman: Killing Time

The Artist Formerly Known as Him

The Marvel Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch Sale runs through Monday, 5/22.

A small, but interesting sale, since Warlock is a through point for much of Jim Starlin’s Marvel work.  With the original “main” title, you can pretty much pick your packaging of the Starlin work. Masterworks V.1 is the pre-Starlin original solo run of the character. Everything else is basically the same material in slightly different formats.

And then Warlock returned for the Infinity series of Events

George Perez is the initial artist on these titles, with Ron Lim tagging in after a few issues. We found Infinity Gauntlet to be one of Marvel’s most enjoyable Events. War and Crusade start to dilute a bit from the original, but are a notch above most of the recent events.

It’s also worth noting the Aftermath volumes are a little more germane to the overall story arc than with some others. They’re absolutely not required reading, but Starlin and company do tend to the garden of plot developments between Events in places like the Adam Warlock titles and Silver Surfer.

Warlock Masterworks   Infinity Gauntlet   Infinity War

The Rodent of the Trees

The Marvel Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Sale is running through Monday, 5/22.

In the inimitable Marvel Way, this is one is a little goofy because of how many different editions of the same comics there are.

  • Unbeatable Squirrel Girl series “2015A” and “2015B” by Ryan North and Erica Henderson. This is where everything starts and the original Squirrel Girl appearances are in the first volume.  These are omnibus editions and take you up to #31 of the “2015B” series.
  • To get the rest of the series, switch over to the single volumes and V.9 – 12 will take you from issue #32 to the end. Coincidentally, this is where Derek Charm pops in as artist.

That’s the easy way. Now, if you want the absolute cheapest way, you want to sub in these two alternate packaging volumes for V.2 and V.3 of those omnibuses above (i.e. #1-21 of “2015B”).

Don’t worry, they’ll inevitably add another layer of repackaging to further confuse the situation.

Squirrel Girl

Magical Bounty Hunting

The Dark Horse Witcher Sale runs through Monday, 5/29.

While it’s usually presented as a video game adaptation, since these pre-date the TV series, we usually thing of The Witch as a series of novels.  We’re reasonably sure Andrzej Sapkowski would agree with that assessment.

You can partake here in three formats:

  1. $0.99 single issues
  2. The “regular” collected editions
  3. The omnibuses

The first omnibus is pretty good deal. And the second “Library Edition” omnibus is still cheaper than single issues, though it’s a bit pricier.

Witcher Omnibus

Throw Another Nickel In

The Dark Horse Avatar/Korra Digital Sale runs through Monday, 5/29.

Nickelodeon comics adapting the animated features. For these comics, what Amazon refers to as “issues” is generally an 80 page comic and the omnibuses are collecting three of those, with the omnibus being more bang for your buck.

There’s a bit more to the longer-lived Avatar series, which feature Gene Yang and Faith Erin Hicks among its writers.

The Legend of Korra is a bit newer property and has fewer volumes.

Avatar: The Last Airbender   Legend of Korra

But Is It 9mm or .45?

The Caliber Digital Comics Sale runs through Thursday, 6/15.

There are a few titles here that were notable in the ’80s indie boom.

Deadworld   The Realm    Jazz Age Chronicles

And plenty of Don Lomax war comics.

But if you want something a little more recent, Ageless might be of interest. It’s written by Torunn GrØnbekk, who’s been recently been writing Thor, with art by San Espina.


Still On Sale